Chapter 2: Asking Hermione

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.

The 5 of them soon reached the back entrance of the school, and Harry had to make sure no one was around to see them. He looked left and right and would tend to tell the founders to hide behind a pillar or in a room if anyone passed by. Harry did not exactly know where Hermione is but he did hear her mention that she and Ron would go to the library, but he was not sure. Before he turned a corner, he heard an all too familiar voice of a certain Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

"Come on, Lovegood... Help me out here..." Draco said. Harry stopped the founders from turning a corner and took a peek to see what was going on. The founders were curious and took a peek themselves.

"I'm surprised you are asking me, Draco. You are a year older than me... and in Slytherin, so why ask me for help?" Harry could see Luna leaning against a wall with Draco leaning up to her with his arm above her head.

"Because you're a Ravenclaw, Lovegood... I'm sure you've got something in that pretty little head of yours" With that said, Harry glared at Draco and told the founders to stay put.

"Leave her alone Malfoy!" Harry yelled out. Draco groaned at Harry's voice and Luna turned to him and smiled.

"Hello Harry..." Luna said. Draco backed up from Luna but was still standing next to her. The founders watched on with interest, especially Rowena and Salazar. They saw from their uniform that the two were from their house, with the girl being Ravenclaw, and the guy being Slytherin.

"Was he messing you, Luna?" Harry asked, not keeping his eyes off Draco with a glare.

"No no, Harry... He was just asking for a favor... Right Draco?" Luna looked at Draco who turned his glare away from Harry to look at her.

"Also, this is none of your business Potter, we don't want any Gryffindors snooping around our business..." Malfoy commented. Harry growled in annoyance and pulled Luna towards him.

"As if I wanted to know what a Slytherin like you is up too, but if it involves Luna, then it is my business" Harry commented. Luna pulled away from Harry and stood in between the two but not in their way.

"Oh? So she belongs to you now does she?" Draco asked. Harry could not believe it but to him, he could hear a hint of jealousy in his voice, and that did not go unnoticed by Professor Slytherin who smirked at Draco's attitude.

"I do not belong to anyone!" Luna stated, crossing her arms to prove her point. Rowena smiled at her attitude towards the two males. Draco glared at Luna but then looked back at Harry and asked.

"What the heck are you even doing here Potter?" Draco asked him annoyingly. Harry looked back at the corner where the founders were at but then looked back at the two.

"I was wondering if you knew where Hermione is?" Harry asked. Draco grimaced at the name.

"How would I know where that filthy mudblood is?" Draco mocked. Harry was about to jump at him but Luna stepped in front of Draco to block Harry.

"I saw her in the library with Ron, who was just sleeping..." Luna said. Harry glared at Draco but looked back at Luna and nodded.

"Right... Thank you Luna..." Harry said. She nodded at him and grabbed Draco by his robes.

"Well, we'd better get going... Me and Draco have some studying to do..." The two then walked passed Harry and straight off ahead, pass the founders. The four founders just looked back at the two retreating students and went towards Harry.

"Who were those two?" Rowena asked.

"The girl was Luna Lovegood, she is a Ravenclaw student, very smart and wise... She tends to help me as well. The git on the other hand, was Draco Malfoy... He's a Slytherin, whose father's a rich bloke that likes to get his way..." Harry explained as they walk through the halls. He was sure not many students were around because some where in class while some where in common rooms.

"What was he asking her?" Salazar asked

"He was just asking her for help with a homework or something...But I don't believe that... Oddly enough, Malfoy has been bothering Luna for a while now... But it tends to be him alone and not with Crabbe and Goyle..." Rowena and Salazar looked at each other and smirked but continued to head to the library with Harry.

"Okay, we are here... I suggest staying outside, and if any student passes by, just hide in that room" Harry pointed to an empty classroom.

"That room tends to not be in use..." Harry said and walked into the library. Harry looked around the room to look for Ron and Hermione, and it was not long until he saw the two by a table, with Ron sleeping and Hermione studying. Harry walked up to the two and sat down on the chair in front of them.

"Hermione, I need to ask, remember the time turner you used in our 3rd year?" Harry asked. Hermione thought about it and nodded.

"I was wondering if I could borrow it, for research in Professor Mcgonagall's class on magical items..." Harry tried to explain. Harry saw the sad expression on her face and knew she would get a sad answer.

"I'm sorry Harry, but I lent the turner to Hannah Abbott, when she asked for it for Professor Flitwick's class... Maybe you can ask her if she has it..." Hermione suggested.

"Oh, alright then, thanks Hermione" Harry thanked her and walked backed out the library. Harry saw that the founders must have hid in the classroom like he told them. Harry went up to the classroom and knocked and said it was him. The door unlocked and Harry went in.

"So I asked Hermione, and she said that she lent the time turner to our classmate Hannah..." Harry explained.

"Who's Hannah?" Godric asked.

"Hannah is a Hufflepuff in our year, she apparently borrowed it for a research project for Professor Flitwick... He's the head of house for Ravenclaw and he teaches Charms" Harry said.

"Funny how all Ravenclaw professors teach Charms in the end" Salazar said and smirked at Rowena.

"You're the Charms professor?" Harry asked Rowena.

"Not only Charms, I'm also a transfigurations professor. Helga teaches Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology. Godric teaches Defense against the Dark arts, and Salazar teaches Potions. We also have other staffs who handle Divination, Arithmancy, and so on." Rowena explained. Harry nodded and looked around the room.

"If I remember correctly, when I bumped into Hannah an hour ago, I think she was heading to the greenhouse... She was carrying a lot of Herbology based books, so my guess is that she would be there..." Harry suggested.

"Do you think she has any class?" Helga asked. Harry shrugged and shook his head.

"I'm not sure..." Harry said and thought. He did see Hannah rushed off when she left, maybe she did have a class at that time.

"But she did rush off when I bumped into her, so she might have a class..." Harry said. They nodded. Harry peeked his head out of the door and saw no one down the hallway.

"Alright then, it is clear, we can go now..." Harry said. The 4 followed Harry out of the classroom and soon made their way carefully towards the Green house. 

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