Chapter 10: Basilisk Fang

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.

Once Luna was able to separate from Draco, Hannah, and Harry, she quickly made her way towards the Girls' lavatory that contained the entrance to Salazar's Chamber of Secrets. She was able to avoid Filch and his cat that was patrolling the halls that night, especially the prefects, head boy, and head girl. She stepped into the girl's' lavatory, and headed towards the sinks in the middle of the room. She passed by all the stalls and checked if anyone was in the room with her. Knowing she was alone she inspected the sink closely.

"Hello Luna..." Luna sighed and looked up to see Moaning Myrtle, the ghost of the bathroom who died by looking into the eyes of the Basilisk.

"Hello Myrtle, I'm sorry that I cannot talk right now, I'm a little busy..." Luna continued to look around the sink for any way of getting in.

"Oh yes, of course, ignore poor mopping moaning Myrtle..." Myrtle said as she started crying and moaning, just to annoy Luna.

"How do you open this thing..." Luna whispered to herself. She looked at one of the faucet of the sink and she could see a snake design carved on it.

"Oh course, what was I thinking... I forgot you need to speak in parselmouth in order to open the chamber... What will I do now..." Luna sighed in disappointment and leaned her back on the cold stone wall.

"You could have just asked one of us..." Luna stood up straight and frantically looked around the room. She soon saw a dark figure approach her and was ready with her wand, but she soon lowered it only to discover who it is.

"Lady Rowena..." Luna said. Rowena nodded at her and looked at the sink.

"Are you trying to gain access to Salazar's secret chamber...?" She asked Luna. She looked up at Rowena, a little surprised.

"How did you know...?" Luna asked.

"I'm a Ravenclaw, of course... And I know because I also saw on the list the a basilisk fang is required, but it seems you were the only one observant enough to notice that... I do not understand why did not say anything in the first place...?" Rowena answered and asked.

"I'm sorry, I did not mean to hid the fact that I knew... But I thought that maybe you, as well as, Professor Godric and Lady Helga did not know of Professor Salazar's chamber, and if you all found out about it, you would be really mad at Salazar when you all go back to the past, and that could alter a lot of things" Luna replied.

"Well you certainly are thinking like a Ravenclaw, but why did you not ask your friends to help you... Why do this alone?" Rowena asked again.

"Because Harry has been down there and I don't want to give him any bad memories... Also I'm not sure if Draco and Hannah would come with me..." Luna said.

"I'm sure they would have wanted to help you... All you had to do was ask them" Rowena smiled at Luna and placed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"But how do you know?" Luna asked her.

"I knew about the chamber, way before it was even created by Salazar... I know about the Basilisk... I'm sure you all think that him keeping the creature down here is a little crazy... But he had some intentions." Rowena explained.

"I see... Well, we might as well head back... We won't be able to open the chamber due to neither of us can speak parselmouth" Luna said. Rowena giggled and patted her back.

"Do not worry my child, I will handle this..." Rowena then walked over the the sinks and stood in front of them. Soon Rowena started to speak in a made up language that Luna could only describe as being serpentine. Parselmouth. Luna thought. Soon the sinks started to separate from one another, to reveal a hole on the floor.

"Lady Rowena, you can-"

"Speak Parseltongue? Yes, Salazar taught me... He tried teaching Godric and Helga but they were just too stubborn" She said. The two looked down into the hole to see nothing but black.

"I told Salazar that he has to find a better way to go down there... I'll tell him when we go back to our time period" Rowena said. Soon, the two jumped in and landed down to a pile of bones and rocks.

"Ouch! That was not the best landing..." Luna said as she patted her school skirt and robes. She helped Lady Rowena up, who started patting her dress gown clean.

"Let's keep going... We have another door to access." Rowena said. Soon the two of them made their way deep into the chamber, until they reached the second door. Rowena went up to it and spoke parseltongue again, which opened the door like the first one. The two went in and was soon within the chamber of secrets.

"So this is what it looks like..." Luna whispered to herself.

"You've never been in here?" Rowena asked. The climbed down the ladder and walked down the aisle, pass some snake statues.

"Harry has... And he has told stories of his visit here, but I didn't think I would ever be in here" Luna said as she looked around the room with awe. Soon the two reached the very end and Rowena gasped at what she saw.

"Is that...?" Rowena asked

"Yes... When I was in my first year and Harry was in second, he killed the Basilisk, which was released by the Heir of Professor Salazar, , using the sword of Gryffindor" Luna answered. Rowena looked at Luna surprised when she mentioned that Salazar had an heir. She looked at the Basilisk again and shook her head.

"Oh... Salazar is not going to like this. Especially since it was killed with Godric's sword and by a Gryffindor" Rowena said. They looked at the skeletal figure of the giant snake. All that is left is the head with the fangs that they need. Luna went up to the skeleton and looked at the fangs carefully.

"Be careful, Luna..." Rowena warned her. Luna grabbed a large fang and started to pull on it. Due to her small stature, she was having difficulties getting the fang. Rowena noticed this and went over to help her pull it out.

"On three... One, two, three!" At three, the two pulled hard and flew back and sit their butt on the ground. They groaned in pain but Luna smiled and held up the fang.

"Good, now let's head back up, this place always gave the the creeps without Salazar around..." Rowena said. Luna nodded and soon the two headed back up and out of the Chamber and out of the Girl's lavatory. They quietly went back to the room of requirements, carefully avoiding Filch.

"Well then, goodnight Luna, and we will see you tomorrow before we leave..." Rowena said. Luna handed her the fang and she gave Luna a kiss on the forehead for goodnight.

"Goodnight Lady Rowena..." Luna said, as she turned away and casually skipped back to her common room. Rowena smiled at Luna's retreating form and soon went back in the room. She closed the door gently, and quietly walked towards the circle. She placed the fang in the middle next to the feather, and she could see the two objects glow. Rowena smiled and turned back to look at her sleeping friends. Helga was happily asleep, snuggling into the blanket. Godric was a mess when he sleeps and would tend to snore if he was deep asleep. And Salazar was quietly sleeping with half of the blanket covering him. Rowena walked over to his bed and covered up to his chest with the blanket. She then kissed his cheek and saw him smile in his sleep. She soon walks back to her own bed and tucked herself in.

"We're finally going back home..." She whispered to herself and closed her eyes to fall asleep.

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