Chapter 11: We're coming home

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.

It was another cold and early morning, Harry was dressed in his school robes, looking at himself in the mirror and then back at his sleeping room mates. He grabbed his bag and quietly stepped out of the boys dormitory and then out the common room. He looked out the window to see the cold mist of the air just surround the school. He hugged himself to keep warm and started to make his way towards the room of requirements. He knew Hannah, Luna, and Draco were on their way there as well and it felt sad to know that the founders were leaving so soon. But they had no choice, they have to go back to their time period eventually. After a couple of walks, he finally made it to the door of the room. Before he go in, he heard someone call out to him.

"Harry!" He turned around and was greeted by Hannah, Luna, and Draco.

"Morning guys... You all came here together?" Harry asked

"We just happened to run into each other and thought, why not head here together" Luna answered. Harry then opened the door to the room of requirements and could see that the founders were already up.

"Good morning, children!" Helga greeted. She went over and hugged Hannah, who then hugged her back.

"So... Are you already to go back?" Harry asked. Luna went over to Rowena and sat on her bed, sitting next to her.

"We are... We just wanted to say goodbye to all of you properly before we depart" Rowena said. Godric raised his hand to address everyone.

"Yes, but before we do, I would just like to ask... What is that thing?" Godric said as he pointed to the Basilisk fang on the floor. Everyone went to the circle and were surprised at the additional object in the circle. Luna bit her lips nervously and looked at everyone's confused reaction, except for Salazar who looked more surprised.

"It's a saber tooth tiger fang... I forgot to mention it was needed in the time spell" Rowena quickly explained.

"Heavens, Rowena! Where did you get such a thing?" Helga asked.

"While you were all asleep, I went out to search for it, luckily one of the classrooms had the bones of a saber tooth tiger on display, so I hope they do not mind a missing part" Rowena answered. Luna looked at her and she gave Luna a wink. She smiled and looked back at the others who just nodded in understanding.

"Alright then.. We might as well say our goodbyes..." The students went to their respectives founders of their house to say their goodbyes.

"I had my doubts when Potter said you and the rest of the founders were in the school... Now I wish you could all stay longer" Draco said.

"Yes... We wish the same but we must head back or we might ruin the timeline..." Salazar explained.

"You know... You should really let Lady Rowena know, how you really feel. Playing around with her feelings will just confuse her more and you might miss a chance..." Draco commented. Salazar looked at him and smirked.

"Well then, you and Luna must not hide the fact that you two are together..." Salazar said

"She told you?" Draco asked. Salazar nodded.

"Well look who's talking..." Draco retorted.

"Do you really have to go...?" Luna sadly asked. Rowena smiled at her and stroked her hair and cheek gently.

"Sadly we do... I'm sorry we cannot stay and converse long. You are like a daughter I wish I could have..." Rowena said. Luna smiled and hugged her. Rowena smiled and hugged her back.

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