Chapter 4: Need Help?

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.

First thing in the morning and the first thing Harry decides to do is to check up on the founders. He got up a little early than anyone else, because all his dorm mates were fast asleep. Harry changed into his school robes and headed out for the room of requirements. The air was very cold early in the morning but luckily his robes were able to keep him warm. He soon reached the the wall that often had the room of requirements entrance, but for now it was flat and blank. He then pictured the door again and it appeared right in front of him. Harry then opened the door gently to make sure he was not disturbing their slumber. Once he opened it he saw that three of the founders were sleeping, but one was missing.

"Professor Gryffindor?" Harry asked in a whisper. He slipped into the room quietly and went to his bed. He was not around it, nor under it. He check the bathroom to see he was not present.

"Harry dear?" Harry stopped looking and turned to a waking Helga. Helga rubbed her eyes a bit and looked at Harry still sleeping.

"Good morning ma'am, I'm sorry to have woken you but I noticed professor gryffindor is missing..." Harry said with a little worry in his voice.

"Oh dear... I wonder where he could have gone..." Helga said. Harry shrugged and looked around the room.

"He probably went to get something to eat, you know how he is in the morning, going through your food cabinet at night and early in the morning..." Harry turned to see Salazar stretching in his bed, slowly waking up.

"Good morning, Professor, sorry about the noisy..." Harry said.

"It's fine boy... I'm sure Godric is fine... Hm?" Salazar looked over to Rowena's bed and saw her still sleeping in peace.

"It's hard to wake Rowena up... She thinks so much that she tires herself out" Helga said.

"I'll go down to the kitchen near the Hufflepuff common rooms to see if he is there... I hope the house elves aren't too surprised and haven't reported him to Professor Dumbledore..." Harry then went and left through the door on his way to the kitchen.

Harry rushed through the halls and down the corridors, down below to the where the Hufflepuff common room, and the kitchen could be found. Knowing Lady Helga's love for food spells and cooking, she specifically requested to have her common room near the kitchen. Harry walked quietly passed the Hufflepuff common room entrance and went towards the kitchen. He did not have to go in to find Godric, for he was already outside the kitchen, eating a loaf of bread with meat in it. Harry rush towards him.

"Professor Gryffindor, what are you doing out here? If someone saw you, they would start asking questions and would report you to Professor Dumbledore!" Harry frantically said.

"I'm sorry my boy, but I was a little hungry and decided to head for the kitchen. Knowing that Hogwarts' layout has not changed, I knew that the kitchen was still down below next to the Hufflepuff common room. Helga would often be the one making all our food back then" Godric explained with a chuckle at the last sentence. Harry looked around and nodded at him.

"Very well then, let's head back to the room and I will get you all proper meals..." Once Harry turned around he was soon face-to-face with none other than Hannah Abbott, who was already in her Hufflepuff uniform. She looked at Harry questionably and then at Godric confused.

"Hello Harry... Who is this?" Hannah asked. Harry was not sweating in fear and looked at Godric and shrugged.

"He... is... uh... He's the new professor! That's right!" Harry said. Hannah looked at him and then at Godric.

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