Chapter 3: Talking to Hannah Abbott

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.

After asking Hermione the whereabouts of the time turner, he found out that she had lent it to Hannah Abbott, a Hufflepuff in his year. With the founders still around, it was much harder for them to get to the Greenhouse without being noticed by any student. Some students would come up to him and ask who those people were behind or following him, which he replied that he has no idea what they are talking about. People would soon just shrug and ignore his attitude and just continue on with their lives. Now, the five have finally reached the Greenhouse, to which they saw Hannah Abbot talking to Professor Sprout.

"Who's the plump lady that needs a bath?" Salazar commented, which he got a hit on the shoulder from Helga

"That's Professor Sprout, Head of Hufflepuff house, she tends to be the one who takes care of the gardens and plants of the school... Fun fact, there is a secret room hidden in the school filled with Devil's snare, which she used in order to protect the Philosopher's stone" Harry explained.

"Philosopher's stone?" Rowena asked curiously

"It was a stone that gave immortally, or something along the lines of that... I'm not sure if I remember correctly" Harry said. He peeked in from the door to hear Hannah and Professor Sprout's conversation.

"So you see professor, I just needed someone to talk to... About my situation with the Slytherins..." Hannah explained. Professor Sprout just finished putting soil in the last pot and then finally turned to Hannah.

"Well dearie, you situation is simple, do your best to stand up to those Slytherins despite what they think of you... Just because you're in Hufflepuff, does not mean you are weak" Professor Sprout said. Helga smiled at her advice to Hannah.

"But, what if I get in trouble..." Hannah asked.

"You just do what you must and if I hear you get into to trouble by defending yourself, I'll handle it" The professor winked at her and Hanna smiled.

"Alright then, thank you so much professor!" Hannah said. She bowed and walked towards the door of the Greenhouse. Harry frantically signalled them to hide by a pillar, which they followed.

"Hannah!" Harry called out. Before Hannah could get any further from the Greenhouse, she turned to look at Harry and smiled.

"Harry! I followed your advise and talked to Professor Sprout. You were right, I just needed someone to talk to about my situation and she became a great help" Hannah said. Harry smiled and nodded.

"That's great Hannah, but I... Needed to ask you about something" Harry said

"Oh? What is it?" Hannah asked

"Did you borrow Hermione's time-turner?" Harry asked. Hannah nodded.

"Great! I was wondering if I could borrow it next once you are done doing research on it, if you do not mind?" Harry asked again. He saw the look in Hannah's face and knew he was in for a bad news.

"Yes well... You see Harry, the time turner did not belong to Hermione to begin with, it was lent to her by Professor Mcgonagall and when she saw me using it, she asked where I got it from... I told her I borrowed it from Hermione to do a paper on but she said that once I was done with it, that I would return it to her... My paper was due a week ago, and so I finally returned it... I'm sorry" Hannah explained. Harry sighed and disappointment but looked at her with a smile.

"It's alright Hannah, you had to do what was proper in that situation..." Harry said.

"If I may ask, why did you need it?" Hannah asked. He stiffened at the questioned and just rubbed his neck nervously.

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