Chapter 7: Luna's Side

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.

Once Draco and Rowena headed for Hogsmeade, Luna and Salazar made their way to the dark forest. Luckily they didn't run into any students or professors, so the trip to the forest was easy. They passed by Hagrid's hut with no problem with running into him, due to the fact he was with Hannah and Harry in Care of Magical Creatures. Luna walked ahead of Salazar, because he was not sure of the dangers that lurked in the forest. He looked at Luna and noticed how calm she was as ventured further into the woods.

"We need to find some woodland fairies... They kind of have half of what is on the list" Luna said, she looked at the list once more to double check and then looked ahead. Salazar however, was not paying attention, he was merrily observing the student, taking in her feature and action.

"I think some can be found around here..." Luna stopped and looked around. She then grabbed a leaf from a bush and placed it on her lips. She soon played a tune that was very familiar to Salazar.

"Is that the virtuous call of the forest?" Salazar asked. Luna continued to play and soon fairies from the area started to flutter towards Luna.

"Ah there you all are, we are in need of your aid... You wouldn't happen to have these would you?" Luna asked. She held up the list and showed it to, what seems to be the head of the fairies. She looked at Luna's list and nodded at her. The fairy then took the list and flew off with her group to find them.

"How did you know that song...?" Salazar asked her.

"My mom... it's because of her I knew the song... and it is also because of her I can see Thestrals..." Luna stated. Salazar stiffed at the word Thestral. He looked at Luna.

"You mean..." But Luna cut him off.

"She died when I was 9... She was experimenting on spells and one of them backfired..." Luna answered. He looked at the Ravenclaw with pity.

"I'm sorry..." Salazar said.

"It's fine... It wasn't your fault she died... But Sir, I must ask, why were you looking at me with focus? I cannot possibly be that interesting..." Luna asked. He smirked at the girl and sighed.

"I was merely observing you because your actions and personality are very familiar to me...They remind me of someone" Salazar answered.

"Oh? And who would that be?" Luna asked.

"Why, Lady Rowena of course..." Salazar said. Luna blushed and looked away from him. She was flattered that she was being compared to with the professor of her house, a very intelligent and beautiful witch. She did not think that the Professor would be comparing her to Lady Ravenclaw.

"O-o-oh! Uhm... I don't think I would match up to Lady Rowena... She's far more beautiful and superior than I will ever be..." Luna said. Salazar looked at the flustered girl and smiled.

"I do not think so... You are beautiful in your own way Luna, and you are very bright for your age... No one would ever know how to call a fairy, unless they knew that song" Salazar explained.

"My mother was also from Ravenclaw..." Luna said.

"I see... Well then being a Ravenclaw must run in your family then..." Salazar asked. She nodded. Her father was also a Ravenclaw, which is how her parents met.

"Rowena is not only beautiful but very smart... That is why I have fallen for her...." Salazar admitted.

"It's nice to know that you love her for her way of thinking instead of her beauty alone" Luna commented. The fairies soon returned and gave them a bag of what they need. They just need to find a few water berries in the forest and they will be on their way.

"You know Sir, you also remind me of someone..." Luna said.

"And who might that be?" Salazar asked.

"You remind me of Draco... His personality is so very much like your own... I understand now why he was placed in Slytherin" Luna said. The two walked to the edge of the black lake and Luna could see some water berries growing. She picked a few and placed some in the bag.

"What is your relation with Draco, Luna?" Salazar asked. Luna stopped picking, stood up and sighed.

"It's... complicated..." Luna answered. Salazar nodded, which signalled her to continue.

"Draco and I... Have been secretly seeing one another... Ever since my 2nd year of Hogwarts.... It all started with a couple of Slytherins teasing me... I know me and Draco said that the relation of Ravenclaw and Slytherin are neutral, but some do not think so...But after a day, I noticed they started teasing me less... I did not understand why but I was soon confronted by Draco in the hallway. I asked if he was the reason for the lessening of my usual confrontations with the Slytherins and he said yes. From then on... We'd been meeting until..." Luna explained but when she reached the point of her story that had more meaning, she blushed and looked down smiling.

"Until...?" Salazar asked. Curious as to what happened.

"Until he kissed in the library... He then asked if we could be together but I told him we cannot..." Luna answered.

"Why ever not?" Salazar asked again.

"I know Draco's status in school and if he was seen dating someone like me well... That will not end well. But I promised him that we can be together in secret... Pretty silly huh?" Luna said. Once they got all the ingredients, they started to make their way up the school, but Salazar stopped her.

"I do not think that is silly, Luna. But I'm surprised you are choosing status over your own personal interest..." Salazar stated.

"It's just... I care about Draco, very much... I just don't think the school is ready to accept that..." Luna said.

"I'm sure they will... And if they don't, then they are just very judgemental... Come, let us head back to the room of requirements, I'm sure Lady Rowena and Draco have returned with their half" Salazar said. The two continued to sneak down the hallways of the school, to avoid any students or staff.

"What about you Professor? Do you hold such feelings for Lady Rowena?" Luna asked as they quietly walked down a hallway.

"I do, as I said, I have fallen for her... But just like you and Draco, we hopes to hide it from others... Except Godric and Helga, who noticed it right away" Luna giggled and continued to listen.

"At least you have friends who you can trust with this kind of secret..." Luna said.

"Yes... But who said you had to hide it from your new companions..." Salazar smirked. Luna thought about it and realized, maybe she and Draco did not have to hide it from Harry and Hannah, they seem like loyal and trustworthy friends, especially Hannah.

"I guess you are right Sir" Luna smiled as she agreed. Soon the two groups ran into each other at the entrance of the room of requirements.

"There you two are! I'm so glad you two are alright" Rowena stated.

"I'm also glad you two are doing okay" Luna said. She ran up to Draco and gave him a hug. He blinked in surprised but soon returned the hug. The two founders smiled and looked at the students.

"Did you managed to get what was needed from Hogsmeade?" Salazar asked, breaking the moment.

"Yes, and you and Luna?" Draco asked, while holding Luna by the waist.

"We did, and we discovered some interesting things..." Salazar stated, he looked at Luna and winked.

"Same for us" Rowena said and looked at Draco and nodded. Which he nodded in response.

"Come now, let us begin brewing" Salazar stated and all four of them went inside the room of requirements and began to brew the four required potions. 

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