Chapter 6: Draco's Side

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.

The founders continue to be stuck in the future, but with new found hope of getting back to their own time period. They have just received new helpers from Slytherin and Ravenclaw, Draco and Luna. Harry was explaining in detail the events that has happened during the arrival of the four. Luna was listening intently while sitting on Rowena's bed, while Draco was leaned against the bedpost of the bed, next to her. Harry explained how they got here via the time turner and had to ask both Hermione and Hannah for it. To his disappointment, both girls did not have it but it had been returned to Professor Mcgonagall when she found out. Then Harry explained that he had to let them sleep overnight in the room of requirements, to not let anyone find out. The two nodded in understanding when Harry asked if they did.

"Good, now that you both are acquainted with the situation at hand, it's time to get to work... We just need the last two potions and we will be able to make the portal" Rowena said. She then handed a list to Harry and Hannah who then looked at the professor worriedly.

"Yes uhm... My apologize Lady Rowena but Hannah and I have class in a few minutes... We were hoping that Draco and Luna could look for this one" Harry suggest.

"Now we have to do your dirty work for you, Potter?" Draco sarcastically said. Luna pouted at Draco but reached to take Hannah's list from her hand.

"We would be happy to continue the job..." Luna answered. She then took Harry's list and gave it to Draco. He snatched it from her hands and read it.

"Thanks guys, Me and Hannah have Care of Magical creatures next, so we will just go on ahead... We'll see you all when we get back" With that said, Harry and Hannah exited the Room and left for their class.

"Well then, it looks like it is up to you two-" Before Salazar could finish, Godric cut in.

"Correction, it is up to you FOUR... Come on now, you two have been in this room for hours, you might as well go out and get some fresh air. Helga and I had our fair share of the future, why not you two?" Godric smirked as he said this. Salazar and Rowena looked at each other skeptically.

"And besides, we know you two work well together" Helga said in a sing-song voice with tease. Rowena glared at her as she blushed with embarrassment. Draco and Luna watched this and chuckle. Luna read the list and raised her hand up to address something.

"Yes Luna, what is it?" Rowena asked her Ravenclaw student

"M'lady, I don't think these ingredients can be found in Professor Snape's potion cabinet..." Luna stated. Draco looked at the list and nodded in agreement.

"She's right, I've helped cleaned Professor Snape's potion cabinet a bunch of times and I've never run into any of these..." He said.

"Well then, where do you two think we can find these things?" Salazar asked.

"I've seen majority of what is in this list... Half can be found in the forest, and half can be found in Hogsmeade..." Luna stated. She went over a table and grabbed a quill with ink. She started circling things that were found in the forest.

"Draco, give me your list" She said. Without hesitation, Draco handed the list to Luna and she started circling things that were in Hogsmeade and listing where he can find them.

"I've encircled the things on my list that can be found in the forest, and things on Draco's list that can be found in Hogsmeade, as well as the store it can be bought..." Luna said.

"Brilliant thinking, Lovegood" Draco stated.

"Yes, certainly very Ravenclaw of you" Salazar smirked. Luna blushed at the professor's compliment.

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