Chapter 9: Phoenix Feather

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.

The four students, after coming out from the room of requirements, headed down to the great hall for dinner. It was already night time and the students did not realize how fast the time flew by. They did not run into anyone when they went down hallways, they must have all been in at the feast already, which gives them an easy time to walk casually with one another. Hannah and Luna were too busy conversing with one another, while Draco and Luna just listened to their conversation. After a while, they finally reached the Great Hall, and they all went to their respective tables. Draco sat down between Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott, Luna sat next to Cho Chang and Padma Patil, Hannah sat next to Susan Bones with Ernest Macmillan in front of them, and Harry sat in front of Hermione and Ron.

"Draco, where have you been? We've been looking all over for you!" Blaise said. Draco took a sip of his juice and addressed him.

"I've been busy, Blaise. It's not like I have to tell you guys where I've been every second of my time..." Draco answered.

"Yeah but Pansy has been looking all over for you, she thinks you've been ignoring her..." Theodore commented

"Let her think what she wants to think, we weren't even together to begin with..." Draco said. Once the two stopped asking questions, Draco looked over at the Ravenclaw table to look at Luna conversing with Cho and Padma.

"Luna, where were you? You missed a great story by Roger, it was about his broken arm when he played against Slytherin..." Cho said. The three looked over at Roger Davies and noticed his arm to be in a cast.

"I'm sure Davies will be fine, Cho..." Padma said, as she took a bite of her food. Luna ate a piece of her food as well and looked at Cho.

"I'm sorry, Cho, I was... In the forest feeding the Thestrals... After that I was looking for some Crumple Horned Snorkack... For my father, you know" Luna explained. The two just shrugged and continued eating.

"So Hannah, where did you run of too? I think I saw you leave with Harry Potter a while ago..." Ernest said.

"Yeah! Are you two together or something?" Susan asked. Hannah coughed at her juice and wiped her lips with a table handkerchief.

"No no! You got it all wrong, I went with Harry because he had a book I needed to borrow and he told me to come with him to the Gryffindor common room to get it..." Hannah explained.

"But after that where did you go?" Susan asked again

"I went to Professor Snape because I had detention with him. I was late for one of his meetings about my a certain potion I think... Hehe..." Hannah nervously chuckled. Ernest and Susan still looked skeptical at her but continued to eat their dinner.

"So where did you run off to Harry? You left Hagrid's lesson rather quickly..." Hermione asked.

"I just had to catch up with some lessons from some of our professors... I noticed that I've been slacking off..." Harry explained. Ron did not ask anything, on account that he was simply eating everything. Harry then looked over at the staff's table and could see Dumbledore eating while he was conversing with Mcgonagall and Flitwick. He then looked over at Draco, Luna and Hannah, who were also looking at the professor. They all looked at Harry and gave him a nod to let him go.

"Hey, I need to head back to the common room, there's something I have to submit later to Professor Sprout..." Harry told Ron and Hermione as he stood up.

"Oh! Then let us come with you then" Hermione suggest.

"No! No uh... It's a report I have to do alone... Also I won't be long in the common room, I will have to run out and do a few more errands..." Harry said quickly, as he grabbed his stuff and walked quickly out of the Great hall, with Ron and Hermione giving him a skeptical look.

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