Chapter 8: Something's missing

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.

Once Draco, Luna, Salazar and Rowena have returned with the last remaining ingredients for the last two potions. They got started in brewing the potion. When they arrived, Harry and Hannah had already been in the room, chatting with Godric and Helga. Rowena gave Draco and Luna the task to brew the Wind and Water potion while she and Salazar brewed the Fire and Earth. All the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs had to do was sit and watch. Now, Draco and Salazar were stirring the potion, while Luna and Rowena would place the ingredients in slowly. Godric was busy cleaning his sword, Harry was laying on Godric's bed, tossing around a quidditch ball, while Helga was busy braiding Hannah's hair.

"I don't get why you aren't letting us help with brewing the potions..." Harry commented as he stopped throwing the ball.

"Last I remember Potter, you practically blew your potion up during Professor Snape's class... And the potion wasn't suppose to do that!" Draco commented. Luna and Rowena giggled, while Salazar smirked at his student.

"Let me remind you Malfoy that I was never particularly good with potions..." Harry stated.

"Which is why Draco and I are handling it..." Luna said.

"I didn't know you were good in potion brewing, Luna" Hannah said. Luna placed in another dash of air glitter.

"Well, I'm not particularly fond of the topic, but I can easily manage to brew a potion..." Luna replied.

"Well why not us, Rowena, I'm sure Helga and I can managed a potion" Godric commented, as he stopped wiping his sword.

"That's what you said the last time when I instructed you and Helga to make that simple vanity potion..." Rowena stated.

"The instructions were in Latin, how are we supposed to understand that..." Godric muttered as he continued to wipe. Salazar stopped stirring and looked at his and Rowena's brew, as well as, Luna and Draco's.

"I believe we are finished..." Salazar said. He grabbed four bottles and handed two to Luna and Draco. The two students then pour in there brew mix, the Water and Wind potion, while Rowena and Salazar did the same thing.

"That's great! Looks like you guys will be going home now..." Hannah stated sadly. They all weren't able to spend as much time as they wanted with their house founders.

"I know child... But we really must be getting back to our time period..." Helga said, as she hugged Hannah from behind. Draco and Luna went over to the symbol drawn on the floor by Rowena and Salazar. They then placed the potions on their respective area, and the two founders did the same.

"There... I suggest we get this started... It was nice meeting you four, you've all been truly helpful..." Salazar said. Rowena nodded in agreement and Godric smirked and went over to the circle, along with Helga.

"I hope this works..." Luna said, as she held her hands together in prayer. The founders soon stood within the circle and it started to glow. The bottles were slowly floating, as well as the founders. The four students backed up as the energy from the circle was pulling them in. Suddenly the light from the circle started to glitch flash and the floating and lights suddenly stopped. The bottles were gently lowered and the room was filled with silence.

"What happened!?" Harry asked.

"Everything was going so well, what went wrong!?" Hannah asked as well.

"Did we do something wrong?" Luna asked, not as frantic as Harry and Hannah.

"Was it the potions? Did we brew it wrong?" Draco asked.

"Children, calm down... I'm sure we will be able to identify what went wrong" Helga said with optimism. Luna went over to one of the list and read through it again. All the ingredients were accounted for. Except...

"I think we missed something... The feather of a phoenix..." Luna stated as she read it.

"Well where in Merlin are we going to get that!?" Godric exclaimed.

"I believe I know where... Professor Dumbledore has a pet phoenix named Fawkes... We could get from him" Harry explained.

"And how are we supposed to get that, Potter? The bloody bird is in Professor Dumbledore's office! I doubt you'd be able to get in without any suspicion..." Draco commented. Harry glared at Draco and was about to retort when Hannah jumped in.

"I'm sure we can think of something, or possibly another phoenix? I mean, there must be some in the wizarding word, right?" Hannah said. Luna stood by Draco and answered her.

"I believe phoenixes are just too difficult to find, Hannah. And Fawkes is certainly guarded by Dumbledore... Getting that feather will not be easy..." Luna said.

"See, even Lovegood agrees with me, and she's a Ravenclaw so she must be right" Draco said. Soon the four students were in an argument over who was right and who was wrong. However, the founders found this scenario very entertaining, and very nostalgic.

"Awww! Don't these four just bring you back to the good old days" Helga commented. The four soon nodded in agreement.

"They certainly show signs of each of our houses..." Salazar said.

"Do we really argue that much?" Rowena asked, she watches how Luna and Hannah try to restrain both Draco and Harry from killing one another.

"Yes, and it tends to be about decision making" Godric chuckled at the memory and went in between the four students.

"Children, I know you all have different opinions on how we will get the phoenix feather, but I suggest we try Harry's idea in getting the Phoenix feather from Fawkes" Godric said.

"Why? Cause he's from your house?" Draco asked.

"No, but it's because it is the only idea we have so far" Godric answered. The four students looked at one another and Luna, Draco, and Hannah looked at Harry.

"Alright then, I guess we will try and get the feather..." Harry said. Everyone soon nodded in agreement. While everyone agreed, Luna looked back at the list and saw a small smudged part of the list that she could barely read. She looked closer and saw what it had read. Luna gasped and covered her mouth. Basilisk's fang.

"Is something wrong Luna?" Luna looked up from the paper and looked at Draco who asked. Soon everyone looked at Luna. Luna knew that Godric, Helga, and Rowena did not know about Salazar's chamber. She did not want to make a scene and just smiled.

"No, nothing at all" Luna answered. Everyone looked at her confused just shrugged it off. Luna did not want to let the others know or else they would tell the founders. So she decides to look for this on her own later tonight when everyone's asleep.

"During dinner, I'll sneak out and head for the Headmaster's office while he is down in the Great hall eating with the other staff" Harry said. The students and the founders nodded at the plan.

"Well then we'd better head down there now, it's only a few minutes before the feast begins" Hannah said, as she looked at the clock in the room hanging on a wall.

"Alright then, be careful Harry..." Godric said. Harry nodded at him and followed the other students as the exited the great hall. Now, they were on their way to the great hall for dinner and to put the plan into action. 

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