Chapter 5: What do we need?

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or the concept of Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling.

After receiving the list of ingredients needed to make the Fire and Earth potions from Lady Rowena, the four started to quietly make their way towards the Slytherin dungeons. Due to the fact that Professor Slytherin specialized in potions, he has made sure that the potions' classroom as well as the storage cabinet be placed near the common room of Slytherin. The four were able to head to the dungeons unnoticed, especially by the Slytherins, since majority of them must be in class, but they still have to be stealthy because some may be in the common rooms.

"Why did Professor Slytherin make the common rooms underground?" Hannah asked the two founders.

"I remember him saying that he finds comfort there, especially since it is under the Black Lake, which makes it a bit dangerous..." Godric answered.

"The same reason why Hufflepuff is underground as well... I find it cozy to be there down below... Just like a badger makes its home underground" Helga added on with a smile.

"Were here... But I think Professor Snape is still inside..." Harry said. He quietly went to the door and took a peek to see Professor Snape inside looking for some stuff for his class.

"How long do you think he will be in there?" Hannah asked.

"Not long, if I remember correctly, he has class right now with Slytherin and Ravenclaw" Harry answered. Not long after that, Professor Snape soon left the Potions room and headed for his class.

"Good! Now we can finally get in" Helga said.

"I don't know, I think he locked it..." Hannah groaned. Harry went over to the door, pulled out his wand and pointed it to the lock.

"Alohomora!" Harry cast. Soon the lock unlocked it self and fell but Hannah was quick in catching it, as to not make any sounds in the hall.

"Come on" Harry opened the door and let the three go in first. He then went in last and closed the door gently.

"Good now let us find what we are looking for..." Godric stated and started to look through the shelves on his right. With Helga looking at the left, Hannah looking in front, and Harry just looking around.

"I found the volcanic ashes for the Fire potion" Hannah stated.

"I got the swamp mud for the Earth potion" Harry said and help up a potion bottle filled with wet mud with some moss, just to inspect.

"I think this was also in Rowena's list?" Godric asked skeptically. He held up a potion bottle filled with blue flames.

"Yes, I think it's the... White Dragon's fire?" Helga said, as she read off the list. She remembers that being the fire of a white dragon because the four of them ran into one due to Godric's stupidity.

"I also found the geo rocks" Helga stated, as she held u a pouch filled with glittering rocks.

"Great! Let's continue to find the other ingredients" Harry said. The four continued to find all that the need for the Fire and Earth potion. Once they've achieved their goal, Helga suggested to find some stuff for the Wind and Water potion.

"But Helga, we don't even have a list of what they want us to get" Godric explained.

"Yes, but we could at least try?" Helga suggested.

"Wait! I hear someone coming..." Hannah said. They stayed quiet, until they could hear the door being unlocked.

"It's Professor Snape! Quick, hide!" Harry quietly said. He pointed to another closet that the three can hide in. Once the door was opened. All three managed to get inside, except for Harry.

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