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Alexandra's POV

Alexandra's POV

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It was lunch and biology was a breeze.

Bryant the Tyrant wasn't as bad as everyone made him out to be. He was just an old man that was ready to retire from teaching, because as he eloquently put it, "The youth of today are so screwed up. They can't even go 2 minutes without Tweetifying or Graming intantly." His words, not mine. Overall the class wasn't that bad, although Luke was right about the newbies thing, but answered every question he threw at me, perfectly. From evolution to genetics. All in all, I think I'm his favourite.

I walked through the crowded passages trying to get through to my locker. Once I achieved my goal, I dropped off my bag and grabbed a 20 dollar bill from my purse. Slowly and anxiously, I made my way to the cafeteria.

I opened the door and like expected, all eyes were on me. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights. I took a deep breath and slowly made my way over to the long snake-like line. Once I got to the front, I ordered a chicken and avo wrap and a bottle of water. I paid and mid-turn-around, I knocked into what felt like a brick wall, sending myself along with my food, to the floor.

I cursed under my breath and when I looked up, I was met with a hand. The cafeteria was now silent, watching our every move. I was just a helpless gazelle ready to be preyed on by a hungry cheetah.

I slowly trail my eyes up the suiters arms, all the way to his face. Two large, round blue orbs are piercing my green ones. He wears soft smile. One that I can't quite return. Although quite piercing, I notice that his eyes are in actual fact, kind. Kind eyes. He gestures again to his hand and hesitantly I take a hold of it. In one swift movement I'm back on my feet again. He bends down to pick up my tray and food.

"I'm so sorry. I should really watch where I go next. I'm Ry-" he's cut off by a shrill voice.

"Ryland!? Babe? Come back to the table." says a girl that I presume to be his girlfriend at first but when I look back at him, he looks slightly pained.

I mean, the girl is beautiful. Drop dead gorgeous. Long dark locks, light brown eyes and dark skin. The beautiful indian was definitely and asian persuasian.

"I'm coming London," he rolls his eyes before turning back to me, "I'm Ryland, sorry again for knocking you over..."

"Alexandra," I fill in the blank.

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