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Alexandra's POV

The rest of the week went on pretty uneventful

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The rest of the week went on pretty uneventful.

And Evan and I have been avoiding each other since our encounter earlier this week.

I spent every lunch break with the Luke and his group and they're honestly such lovely people. So lovely, I feel like the black sheep. I've somehow become one of them and I feel quite content. And Evan has been avoiding lunch by making up some bullshit excuses, much to Hannah's dismay.

It's finally Friday and the day I get to meet one of Luke's "best friends ever", as he put it, Chad. The meeting has been delayed until today because Luke explained that Chad was in a pretty ugly custody battle with the mother of his child and lunch was the only free time he could contact his lawyers, other than after school. It feels sort of comforting to know that other student in the school have children. It feels less isolating.

Chad was not what I was expecting at all. Instead of being the 5ft 10 inch white boy I was expecting, he was quite the opposite. He stood at at least 6ft 5 inches, had large bulging football muscles that could probably bench me and a smile that lit up his face.

According  to him, he's quite the charmer but hasn't been able to get out much since having a kid.

Luke has even mentioned a couple times how much we resemble each other in both looks and personality claiming that we "could be twins."

His little head was put to rest when Chad said his entire family is Maori. I have no biological connection to Polynesia, at all.

Turns out Chad actually has English with me but has been too busy with his custody battle to even show up to class.

We're now sitting in English class, revising our language notes.

"Why do you speak as though you've swallowed a dictionary?" Chad asks out of the blue.

I feel myself slightly frown, "Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry if I offended you, but you sound way too smart to be in this class. You just use big words." He explains.

"No, I'm not offended, but you do know this is an AP class, right? We're here because we're good at English."

"Yeah," he rolls his eyes with a smile playing on his lips, "but you just have a wider vocabulary than most of us here."

"Oh. I still don't see how that plays in with my intelligence, but I have been told I can be quite a sesquipedalian."

Now he just looks straight up confused. "Sesqui-what?"

"A sesquipedalian. Someone who uses very big words."

He looks like he's going to hurt himself as he attempts to say the large word.

I interrupt him, "Didn't you say you wanted to be an English teacher?"

He straightens in his seat and flashes me a proud smile, " I did."

I nod slowly in understanding, "Yeah, I'd go with a second option." My voice laced with humour and dripping in sarcasm. Anyone looking at me though would think I was just being a bitch from my ever present stoic expression.

He raises a hand to his chest, the area above his heart, and fakes being hurt, "You wound me, Alexandra. You really do."

The rest of the English lesson continues like this. Back and forth banter between the two of us. He's honestly like a younger brother who you can't help but want to punch in the face.

The bell signals for our next lesson. Chad decides it's in his best interest to walk me to class, that way he can answer all of his emails before his next class. He leaves me shortly after leaving the English claiming "baby mama drama".

At my locker, I replace my note book and text book for my song book.

Shortly after grabbing everything needed for my next lesson, I walk into the music room.

Miss Cress is the music teacher. She's quite free spirited and has odd methods of teaching. She's one of kind and definitely my favourite teacher.

"Good afternoon Alexandra, today you get to show us what you've put together. Are you ready for us?" She smiles.

Shit. I totally forgot that we were assigned to cover a song of our own choosing.

"Um, yes ma'am. I'm ready. Let me just set up." I quickly say.

I seem pretty calm on the outside, but on the inside I'm a ball of nerves and as though God were playing a game with me, in walks Evan.

He nods in my direction and I respond with one too. This is just perfect. Now I'm even more nervous.

Evan brushes past me and his scent leaves me intoxicated. Tobacco mixed with mint. I shake my head slightly, trying to ignore the sudden outburst of butterflies in my belly. My erratic heartbeat could probably be heard in China. Instantly my palms are sweaty and I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed by our closeness. I crave it but refuse it. What the fuck is going on with me?

I look around the room meeting every single individuals eyes. I continue scanning the class and meet Evan's blue orbs. He sends me an encouraging smile. I slowly place myself in front of the piano and stare down at the ivory. Inhaling deeply, I begin.

You don't own me
I'm not just one of your many toys.
You don't own me
Don't say I can't go with other boys

The lyrics pour out of my body. I feel so vulnerable and I hate every second of it. I feel the tears prick in my eyes and my breathing is picking up slightly.

And don't tell me what to do
And don't tell me what to-

"I'm sorry, I can't do this."

And with that I bolt out of the classroom. I have no idea what came over me.

I run, trying to find the nearest exit.

I push the large metal doors and inhale deeply. I feel tears staining my cheeks but I choose to ignore them. My head is spinning and my heart is beating out of my chest.

Calm down.

I feel two powerful arms embrace me.

"Breathe Alex. Deep breaths." He says.

Tobacco mixed with mint.

And I knew I would be okay.


Seven has arrived.

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I love you all very much.

Be kind & love one another

- Dré

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