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Evan's POV

Intimidation was definitely not an emotion I was familiar with

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Intimidation was definitely not an emotion I was familiar with.

Sure, there were the few occasions I'd feel cornered by my father but none of those occasions even came close to what I was feeling right now.

There she was. Sweat glistening her dark caramel skin, her dark curly hair up in a bun with loose tendrils playing around her face.

I was in awe of Alex's endurance throughout our conditioning session. Most guys don't manage to keep up but she definitely represented herself.

Finally she stops the treadmill, panting lightly. She goes over to grab  the antibacterial spray and a tissue to whip down the handles of the machine.

After cleaning the machine and making sure it's clear of any dirt, she picks up her towel and water bottle and heads out to the girls showers.

"Didn't your mother teach you that staring is rude, Evan?" a dark hand covers my left shoulder.

"Luke, I have no idea what you're talking about. Clearly you're seeing things." I defend as I grab my own belongings and follow the rest of my team towards the showers.

I don't what it was about Alex, but whatever it was had me wanting more. She intrigued me. The way she kept completely absent of emotion made me curious. She was hiding something, but what?

"Uh, earth to Evan," Luke's fingers are snapping in front of my face, "Were you just thinking about her?" his face was hopeful. Similar to a starry-eyed toddler asking his parents for a puppy.

I had to laugh at his absurdity. Although I was thinking about her, he didn't need to know that. "You're full of it."

"And you're full of shit, Ev." he retorts. "You can't lie to me. We've been friends for over 14 years, you have tell signs and know every single one of them." he states, matter-of-factly, with his arms crossed over his chest.

I head to the lockers, laughing lightly at Luke's insane allegations. "Okay, well, that's bullshit, Lu. I don't have tell signs." I grab my shower gel, loofah and a clean towel, Luke in tow.

"Okay, so maybe you don't, but I just know you. And I know that there's something between you and Alex."

I stop dead I my tracks and turn, meeting my best friend face-to-face. I blink a few times, processing what he's just said to me and before I can control myself, I'm doubled over in laughter.

"Y-you... Haha... Think we- haha... Have something?" I just couldn't control myself. The thought of two polar opposites having 'something'. That's completely ridiculous. "Luke, I barely know the girl-"

"Okay, what's your point? There's still something there. I sense it. My spider senses have been tingling ever since she arrived. You even seem more involved." the last part was said quietly. So quiet, I almost missed those painful words cut my soul.

I look down to the ground, studying my feet."Yeah. I am more involved, but I can promise you it's not because of her, I swear."

I didn't know if I even believed myself. I was just so curious of who she was that I just found myself drifting to where she was. And that just so happened to always be with the group. She drove me absolutely crazy. She was a conundrum that couldn't be solved.

Luke gave me a soft smile and a light pat on the shoulder, "Yeah, okay mate." his voice was calm but filled with emotion that broke me.

I didn't want to have Luke worrying about me the way he was. I was fine. I could handle things now. I had help. Fine. Fine. Fine.

It's good to know my lying skills have improved.


Thought I forgot about you? Ha, never.
I'm back, doing a bit better & ready to get more chapters out to you.

Be kind & love one another.


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