Chaper 5: jus me

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So since I'm alone let's get right into the story!!!!
Billiam was sitting outsida hes howse wen he saw a Led Zeppelin. Not the Led Zeppelin. Just a Led Zeppelin. And thought 'Winter is coming'.
Then he ate a big mec with bobert.
Bobert was homeless
And strong
And died
He's alive now
They were walking back to teh howse wen dey saw a giant friggerator
He sed ' u killd me coosin... prepare too dye.'
Man this is juicy. I bet neither Ashley, Jim nor Greg would ever pull this off. It's utterly beautiful. I'm glad I took the Donald Trump way. It's gonna be great. I get paid a bunch and I get all the credit. I should've done this years ago.
Anywai, teh giant refiggerator was shooting spoled meelk at dem. Since dey cood fly fast. dey doged.
Oh yeah while I was talking about things that weren't exactly relevant, Bobert gave Billiam a pair of new magic socks. Since he did the magic things of course.
So. teh giant refriggerator cood alsoo flie. So he flied tord dem and it was smelling bad because of teh spoled meelk
Spoled meelk Smells like spoled meelk.
So it pritay bad smell.
Anywai, teh giant friggerator was al liek 'imma shoot dis spoled meelk at you'
Billiam was very aware of dis.
Den, they telyportad to spais and set teh areonapoleoncatorce to 3.1415926* celcius. Den da friggerator came to spais and den Billiam shot da areonapoleoncatorce at teh giant friggerator.

    Why does this company only have a three person staff. This is the most high budget book since the Hojekuin's Curse! I gotta call some people and tell them to hire new staff. I mean, I can write this alone. No famous people actually work, they hire people to do it and take all of the credit. I'm famous, right? Why am I asking you? All you've ever done for me was start to read this book. For all I know you didn't even buy it! For all I know, you checked it out of a LIBRARY! Libraries!!!! I can't stand them. Just buy the dang book cheapskates. Gosh... Oh, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. Oh come on, you know I didn't mean those things. I need to hire a guy named Bartolomeu. Yeah, that seems like a reliable guy's name. If I'd want a guy to watch my children that would definitely be his name. I mean try to think of a name more reliable. Terry! Bam! Terry is like the most reliable you can get. Bartolomeu and Terry. How am I gonna find someone? Wait! I have an idea. "Hey Billiam!" 
    "Jes" sed billiam

"Can you go on a quick quest to find new writers"

"Shure ting" sed billiam. Den billiam went two teh giant friggerator and told him to hold teh fite offf til later. Teh giant friggerator had somting todo anyway and to jus gib him da call wen he was redy to baddle. The new quest was to find new riters named Bartolomeu and Terry.

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