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Joey POV

I jumped in to my car. I started to sob. I don't know why I did that. Shane doesn't like me like that. We've always been friends, why change now?

I started to drive home after I calmed myself down.

When I got home I ran to my bedroom and started to cry again. What have I done?

I slowly fell asleep.

Shane POV

I had deleted the tweet about the collab. I didn't want to see anyone. I was confused about what happened between me and Joey.

I didn't know how to react. It was wrong. I was mad at Ryland for making out with another guy, when I just did the same thing.

What made me feel even more guilty was that I enjoyed the kiss. Every second Joey's and I lips connected. He had such a soft gentle kiss.

Ryland: Shane?

I jumped. I didn't realize Ryland was home. I was distracted, still sitting on the couch thinking about Joey.

I looked at Ryland.

Shane: Yeah?

Ryland: Are you Okay? You seem, lost.

Shane: Yeah, no I'm fine.

I got up from the couch.

Shane: Your home early.

Ryland: Yeah. Thought I could surprise you. With lunch.

Ryland held a bag from Chipotle.

Shane: Actually I don't feel so well. I think I'm gonna take a nap.

Ryland: Okay, babe.

I cringed hearing Ryland call me babe. I used to be turned on by that nickname. Things were already fading away.

*Next Day

Joey POV

I stayed in my bed the whole morning. I didn't bother checking my phone. It wouldn't make a difference.

I was startled by the sound of my front door opening downstairs.

I got out if bed quickly and ran to the top of the stairs. I looked down.

Daniel was home.

Daniel: Joseph.

Daniel said said with a calm sweet voice.

Daniel: Could you come down, so we can talk? Please?

I nodded. I slowly walked down stairs into the kitchen where Daniel sat and waited for me to join.

Shane POV

Shane: Bye.

I shut the door behind Ryland. He was gone for the day.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed as much junk food from the pantry.

I walked to the couch and ate.

I sat and thought about the kiss with Joey.

I kissed back and enjoyed it. I stopped it. But I didn't want it to ever end.

I kept asking and asking myself.

Do I have feelings for Joey?

.....Do I love Joey?

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