He won't

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*REMINDER: Make sure you have not skipped any chapters


*Couple hours later

Shane POV

Ryland wasn't home yet. But he would soon arrive.

I wanted to know what happened between me and Joey. What was that moment we had. Was it even a moment?

I jumped up from the couch, grabbed my phone and keys.

I had to see Joey.

Joey POV

I was in my room with Daniel. I watched him pack his stuff. I started to tear up. I felt guilty. But I shouldn't, Daniel is the one who screwed up here.

The doorbell rang. Daniel and I meet eyes.

Joey: I'll get it.

I walked downstairs and peek out the door.

Joey: Shane?

I opened the door a little wider. Where Shane could only see my face and a third of my body.

Joey: What are-

He cut me off.

Shane: We need to talk.

We couldn't. At least right now. Daniel was here. I didn't want Daniel to know what happened between me and Shane. He would make me feel bad about it.

Joey: Shane not-

He cut me off again.

Shane: Yes Joey. Now! We need to talk about what happened between us. What was that? I need-

Joey: OKAY!

I stepped outside closing the door so Daniel couldn't hear.

Joey: Listen Shane. I don't wanna get hurt again. I'm tired of crying. That moment we had, I wanted it to happen. But you stopped it.

Shane: Joey...

Joey: Listen. Think about it. Did you feel the same way I did? Did you stop it because you don't like me that way? If you feel the same way about me, the way I feel about you Shane.

I sighed.

Joey: Meet me at Hollenbeck park by the main water fountain in two hours.

I walked back inside.

Joey: Goodbye Shane.

I closed the door and smiled. The thought of meeting Shane later made me blush.

Shane POV

I pulled up in the drive way. Ryland was home.

When I walked in, I got a horrible flashback. When I caught Ryland cheating. I shook my head trying to erase the memory.

Ryland: Shane! Where were you?

He quickly ran to the door.

Shane: Grabbing something from the store.

I lied. But thats because I didn't want Ryland to worry.

I went into my office and told Ryland I had to edit. But I really just wanted time alone.

I needed to think about the decision I had to make. The decision that would define my relationship with Joey.

Joey POV

I had left Daniel upstairs, let him finish his packing.

I then went to check up on him. He was still packing and had some items that needed to be packed.

Joey: Why are you packing so damn slow?

I went over to his stuff and started to help pack.

Daniel: Why does it matter if I take long?

Joey: You wanted to pack today to be out of my way and not bother me. Well, you're taking too long and guess what? Its bothering me.

Daniel glanced at me and looked at the floor.


After helping Daniel pack, we set his stuff in his trunk

We walked outside with one box in each of our hands.

Daniel POV

We placed the boxes down in my trunk. I closed the door and looked at Joey.

He was biting his lip and stomping his foot on the ground.

Joey: So, where have you've been staying?

Daniel: At a friend's house.

Joey: By "friend" you mean that "guy" right?

I stuffed my hands in my pocket and frowned.

Joey looked at his feet and crossed his arms. Realizing he hurt my feelings.

I hated that a simple thought of me, and all he could see was that friend of mine.

I lifted Joey's chin, causing him to look at me. I held his chin in my hand.

Daniel: I know why you wanted me out in such a hurry.

Joey looked at me confused, he wanted to know what I knew.

I put my hand down.

Daniel: You have to meet Shane.

He shook his head.

Joey: I don't know what your talking about.

Daniel: Joey please. I heard you talking to him.

Joey: You were eaves dropping?

Daniel: Well, Shane doesn't technically have a inside voice.

He shrugged.

Joey: Either way, its none of your business.

Daniel: Oh, but it is. I don't want him to end up hurting you.

Joey: Like you know how to protect someone. Shane isn't you, Daniel.

Daniel: Your gonna regret meeting him.

He scoffed.

Joey: As if Daniel! Like I said in the beginning, this is none of your business! So you can leave now.

I brought up my hand to Joey's face. I moved my thumb, outlining Joey's jawline.

I clicked my tongue.

Daniel: Joey, he doesn't love you.

He pushed my hand away from his face. He shook his head.

Joey: Stop. You must leave Daniel.

I nodded.

I walked away from Joey. I jumped in my car and drove away.


Hey guys, I wanted to apologize *AGAIN* about the chapter. The new chapters spoiled the big Shoey  moment.

So if you haven't read the missing chapter. Please read it. Its called Missed. Again sorry for misunderstanding in the past chapters.

Thanks you for understanding.

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