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Lenn, Emily, Jack and Daniel were sitting on the couch talking about everything and anything. Emma and Zach were flirting on the other side of the couch and Jonah and Corbyn were talking to Logan.

Someone knocked on the door. Emily said she'd get it and walked over. She pulled open the door and there stood Bailey. Her long blonde hair with brown highlights was tied up in a high ponytail. She had her computer in one hand and her phone in the other.

"Hey Bailey," Emily hugged the girl infront of her.

"Hey. Logan texted and said there was a few things he needed to go over," Bailey explained.

Emily nodded and began walking into the kitchen, when she stopped and turned around. "Actually, where have you been?"

"Oh I um just," the twenty one year old had lost concentration and was looking past Emily.

Emily turned to see what Bailey was looking at, and she saw Logan. "You like Logan?" Emily whispered.

Bailey broke out of her trance, "What, pfft, no,"

"Well, he likes you too," Emily was once again playing matchmaker. She had been trying to get Bailey and Logan to date for a long time, and now it might actually happen.


"Yes. In fact, he is free tomorrow night. Don't say anything to him about it though, I wasn't supposed to tell you," Emily winked and pushed Bailey over to the table.

Emily had known about Logan's little crush for a long time, but she was never sure about Bailey. Now everything was confirmed and Emily's plan was going right.

"Who was that?" Daniel asked, when Emily sat back down.

"Oh, she just works for Logan sort of. She's like part of the family though," Emily explained.

They hung out for another hour or so. Lenn and Daniel kept giving eachother looks as Jack and Emily continuously flirted.

"I think it's time we go," Jonah said, standing up and stretching.

The other boys agreed and made their way to the door. Emily noticed Zach bend down and give Emma a quick peck on the cheek. As soon as Zach's back was turned Emma fell back against the seat.

"I think I should go to. See you tomorrow Logan," Bailey winked and followed the boys out the door.

After everyone was gone, Emily and Logan's mom came out of Emily's bedroom.

"I'm going over to Jake's now. Anyone wanna come?" she asked, grabbing her keys from the counter. There was silence and she took this as a no.

"Logan. If I told you that you had a date with Bailey tomorrow night, what would you say?" Emily asked, rocking back on her heels.

"What did you do?" Logan slowly turned away from the cupboard and put down the cup in his hand.

"I sort of set up a date between you two," Emily rushed, shielding her face with her hands.

Logan exhaled a breath. A smile began forming on his lips before he rushed over to his sister and pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you so much,"

"No problem big bro," Emily said, hugging Logan back.

"Oh yeah, the boys gave me this earlier," Logan said, pulling Emily's rose gold IPhone 7 from his back pocket.

"Ahh, my babyyy," Emily started to kiss her phone. More than five hours without it and she felt like she was going to die.

"Okay then. I'm going over to George's. You good here?" Logan asked, grabbing his Vlogging camera keys.

"Yeah. Now leave," Emily pushed Logan out the door. As she turned back to her friends she heard him say to his camera.

'She evicted me'

"Okay girls, what do you say to a sleepover?"

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