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The next morning was Emily's checkup and Logan was gonna bring her and Jack had decided to tag along.

Emily came out of her room on crutches. The pain in her ankle had been unbearable every time she put weight on it, so the crutches were sort of helping.

Emily was afraid she was after ruining everything. What if the fall yesterday had damaged her leg so bad that she would never dance again. Emily shoved all those thoughts to the back of her mind and followed Logan out of the apartment complex to the car.

The matte black car was parked outside and Emily slipped into the passenger seat. They had to go pick up Jack.


They sat in the waiting room, Emily's leg worriedly bouncing up and down as she waited for the nurse to call her in. Her sore leg was resting across Jack's lap while he was resting his arm on it, stroking up and down, attempting to calm Emily's nerves. Logan was sitting beside Emily talking about random things to his camera.

"Emily Paul," a nurse called, making the butterflies in Emily's stomach flutter even more.

Jack came in with Emily, an arm wrapped around her waist for comfort. Emily sat down on the bed and waited for the doctor to examine her leg.

The doctor came in a few minutes later, a clipboard in his hand. "Ah Emily. How is your ankle?"

"Good, I guess. I'm just here for a quick checkup to make sure everything's okay,"

The doctor took a few X-rays of Emily's foot and examined it. After about forty five minutes he came back in holding the X-rays.

Emily could tell by the pictures that something wasn't right. Jack took Emily's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. He had no idea what sort of agony Emily was currently in.

"Have you been using your crutches?"

"No, sorry doc you caught me there. I'll start using them from now on, promise," Emily laughed nervously.

"Have you been dancing? I remember your mom saying to me you danced,"

"No I haven't, not since the accident,"

Jack furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Why was Emily lying?

"Well Emily it looks like the bones in your ankle are healing but there is one small set back. It seems there is another injury, most likely a sprain which has caused your ankle to swell a small amount and put pressure on the bones," the doctor explained.

"You told me you just twist your ankle," Jack piped in at the most inconvenient time.

"What? How did you do this?"

"Yesterday I went to dance class. I wasn't supposed to dance but I did anyway and fell,"

"Emily, you have to be careful," the doctor sighed, "it looks like you've just put yourself back to square one, which means your ankle will take longer to heal,"

Emily's shoulders slumped in defeat. The rest of the checkup went by in a blur, the only thing on Emily's mind was her ankle.


"See you later," Logan called as he pulled away from the Why Don't We house after dropping Emily and Jack off.

"Your pizza came ten minutes ago," Jonah yelled from the sitting room.

Jack grabbed Emily's hand and dragged her into the kitchen. The pizza box was sat on the counter, but it looked like it had been opened. Multiple times.

"Nice," Jack groaned as he lifted up the lid to reveal two slices of pizza.

Emily laughed and grabbed both of them, and ran into the sitting room. Jack chased after her, tackling her onto the couch. He grabbed one of the slices and took a big bite.

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