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It had been five days. Five days since Logan found out about Emily and Jack, five days since Emily last had contact with any of the Why Don't We boys.

Emily would have expected maybe a text from Jack at least, but nothing. He hadn't even posted anything on his Snapchat or Instagram stories. This worried Emily. What if something really bad had happened.

The only time Emily came out of her room was to get food or get Kong so she could hold him.

Right now Emily was editing a photo she had taken of the boys the day they were at the beach. Maybe she should post it as a dig to Logan.

Emily's phone dinged and she picked it up to see a text from Raya.


Raya📷: Hey, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come watch the sunset with me or something. I know it sounds stupid and I understand if you don't want to come.
Me👑: I'd love to. Would you be able to come pick me up cause I don't think my brother would trust me.
Raya📷: what do u mean?
Me👑: I'll explain later.
Raya📷: u can bring a friend if you want.
Me👑: sure, we can pick her up on the way😊


Emily was thinking about bringing Emma because she still had to explain about the date.

Of course Emily had text to ask how it went after Zach seemed to be in such a bad mood, but Emma said she would explain when they saw eachother in person.

Emily would have loved Lenn to come too, but she was busy with her aunt and cousins.


Me👑: do u want to come somewhere with me and a friend?
Emma💕: okay, I'll explain the date then😥
Me👑: yay. Should be there in about half an hour.
Emma💕: kk, see u then


Emily grabbed her new camera from the shelf and went out to tell Logan where she was going.

"I'm going out with a friend, okay?" Emily made her voice as dull and bored as she could. If she sounded excited then Logan would suspect something.

"Emily, I told you, no more Jack,"

"I'm not going to see Jack!" Emily yelled, "I'm going to watch the sun set with a friend, okay?"

"Sorry. And yeah I guess it's fine," Logan rolled his eyes and continued doing whatever on his computer.

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