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Emily got up to the apartment twenty minutes after Jack had dropped her off.

The truth was, Emily was terrified. She was terrified of what Logan would do or say if he found out where Emily was.

Eventually, she unlocked the door. And at the sound of the click of the lock, Logan jumped off the couch and ran to the door.

Logan forgot all about the fact he was trying to ignore Emily and pulled her into a giant bear hug.

"Why didn't you answer your texts. I thought someone had murdered you or kidnapped you," Logan said, for some reason out of breath.

"No no no. I'm fine and alive," Emily smiled hugging her brother. It was nice to have the old Logan back. But she knew it wouldn't last once she told him where she was.

"Where were you anyway?" He asked, holding her out at arms length.

Emily looked at Logan in the eyes. She thought about it for a while, then realised now was a better time than any to tell him.

"I was with Jack," and as soon as Emily said that, a switch seemed to flick in Logan's head, making the sweet, caring brother disappear.

"Emily, I thought I told-"

"Logan come on. It's my life to mess up. You need to understand that I really like Jack and it's my choice. If he breaks my heart, then that's a bad call on my end but at least I made my own decision. If you go around deciding who I date and who I'm friends with then I'm not gonna be happy. So please Logan, just trust me on this," Emily begged.

Logan's face had gradually gone from red to snow white. It was as if he finally realised what Emily said was the truth.

"Okay," was all Logan said.

"Okay? What does that mean?"

"I guess you're right. I don't know why I freaked out, I'm so sorry. But if he does hurt you in anyway, know that I will chop his dick off,"

Emily smiled and gave Logan a big hug. "Thank you. Oh and you have to apologise,"

"For what?"

"For punching Jack. His eye is all bruised and his lip is pretty bad. We can do it tomorrow," Emily gave Logan one last hug before skipping off to bed.

The Directors Little Sister ✔ J.A.Where stories live. Discover now