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Since Emily and Jack had done the dirty on Daniel's bed, he has been sleeping on the couch. Jack though, had changed the sheets, pillow covers and duvet covers, but Daniel had still refused. Jack then went and changed the sheets and stuff on his own bed, but Daniel still refused, incase they had done it on his bed aswell.

Tonight though, Daniel had enough. At four am he stomped up the stairs to his shared room with Jack. Jack was asleep when Daniel threw open the door, making it hit the wall with a loud bang.

"I'll change beds if you want," Jack muttered, his eyes still closed.

"Don't bother. I'm seriously done with the couch. I can't even hear myself think over that ticking clock. I swear, it is about a hundred times louder when your trying to sleep," Daniel complained, climbing under his covers and closing his eyes, trying to get sleep that he has craved for almost five days now.

When Jack looked back to that night, it still made him laugh.


Daniel had froze in his spot, not able to move one muscle. The images flashing through his mind of his two best friends being..... intimate, made him shiver.

"Dude you look constipated," Jonah laughed, after about two hours of sitting stock still, his back straight as an arrow.

"I'm going to bed," Daniel muttered, standing up from the couch and practically running out of the room.

When he got to his bedroom, it was as if everything that had been said downstairs was forgotten about. He walked around Jack's bed to his own, and flopped down, a headache beginning to form.

He closed his eyes, only for an image of..... it, to flash through his mind. Daniel instantly let out a high pitched scream and jumped up from the bed.

Downstairs, everyone had heard. Jack and Emily looked at one another, big smiles spreading across their faces.

*end of flashback*

Jack started laughing, covering his mouth to try and hold it in. Daniel groaned and threw a pillow at Jack.



Emily snapped one last picture of Kong frolicking around the balcony. Her phone dinged.

N.V: I'm in L.A again today if you wanna meet.
Me👑: yasss, I'm so damn boreddd!!!!
N.V: okay, meet me at the Grove in about ten minutes.
Me👑: k see you then


Emily spotted Neels outside Starbucks, sipping a coffee.

"Neels!" Emily called as she started to pick up her pace.

It was like seeing him for the first time in forever even though they had only seen eachother a few days ago.

"Hey, there's someone I want you to meet," Neels said nervously, rubbing his hands together.


Neels brought Emily around the fountain to a table where a girl was sitting. She's so beautiful, Emily thought as Neels coughed, alerting the girl they were here.

"Emily meet my girlfriend Cindy. Cindy meet my best friend Emily," Neels introduced.

Cindy smiled just as brightly as Emily. They both hugged and Emily made a mental note to talk to her later about some embarrassing Neels moments.

After about two hours of just sitting and talking- mostly about stupid things Neels does- they had to leave.

"Well, we better get back to Alissa's to ask her to film that video," Cindy pointed out.

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