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Emily sat down beside Jack. She grabbed his hand and gave it a small squeeze. She was shaking like crazy and Jack could feel it.

"Okay, so they want to go with Something Different first and they want to put it on the radio," the whole room seemed to explode with excitement.

All the boys ran outside but Logan, Emily and a few others stayed inside, still a bit shocked. Then Emily got up to go outside to congratulate everyone. She spotted Jack by the pool, with Corbyn and Jonah. She ran over and jumped into Jack's arms, wrapping her legs around his waist.

Emily was crying and so was Jack, but not as bad as Daniel. After Jack had put Emily down, they made their way over to him. Emily kneeled down in front of him and put a hand on his knee. After a few seconds his head shot up and he wrapped Emily in a huge hug. Soon this two person hug turned into a big huge group hug with everyone.


After two hours of tiresome filming for Logan and the boys, and two hours of Internet shopping for Emily, they were gonna call it a wrap for this location and move to the next one, but they had to wait until it was dark, so Emily was gonna go with the boys and wait for their song to come on.

It was a nerve wracking, nail biting, six hour wait but soon everyone was outside either in the car or gathered around it. All windows were down so people outside could hear.

Emily was sat on Jack's lap in the passengers seat, unaware of herself messing with the ring on Jack's pinkie.

Then Julia Michaels started talking and everyone had went dead silent.

"Okay, so this is Why Don't We with Something Different," everyone instantly clicked record on their phones as they started loudly cheering and singing along.

Emily face timed Logan to see he was siting in his car listening to the radio too. "I'm so proud of you guys," Logan yelled, making all the boys awe.


Jack and Emily had their hands intwined as they walked up to the next location.

That's when Emily saw her. The blonde twenty year old stood there talking to Logan as if nothing in the past few months ever happened.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

"No, no not at all. Tell Logan I'll see him later," Emily muttered angrily before storming off the way they had come from her car.

Emily drove to Jake's 'cause she didn't know where else to go. The front door was left unlocked, as usual. The first person to greet her was Ivan, who instantly had a huge smile on his face as soon as he saw her.

"Lil sis?" Jake called from the kitchen.

"Jake!" Emily ran over to Jake, and wrapped her arms around his waist and started crying.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" he asked, detaching Emily from his torso so he could get a better look at her face.

"I-I'm so sorry. Logan is making a diss track against you, and I think he's putting Alissa in it," Emily stopped crying and was just breathing really heavily now.

Jake's facial features changed from worried to angry to upset. "Okay. Do you wanna stay here for the night?"

Emily nodded and joined Jake in the office where everyone was sitting talking. She sat down inbetween Jake and Alex and she leaned her head on Alex's shoulder as everyone started talking, Emily sometimes having something of her own to say.

But not once did Jake nor Emily bring up the diss track or Alissa.

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