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It had been about eight hours but Jack was starting to get anxious. What if Emily never woke up? The doctor had warned them there was a small chance she would be in coma, but Jack knew deep down she was still in there waiting to come out.

"The doctor said you can hear me. So I just wanted to say, you have to get through this, please Emily," Jack held onto Emily's hand. It was so cold. "I know we haven't been together that long but I don't know what I would do if you didn't make it through this," that's when the tears that had threatened to fall, fell. Jack lowered his head so no one would see.

"She's gonna be fine," Jake sympathised.

Logan had brought Greg and Pam home to rest, even though they didn't want to. Daniel, Corbyn, Jonah and Zach were still in the waiting room and Emily's friends were sitting with them. It was just Jack and Jake with Emily.

"I love you so much," Jack croaked out.

The machine started to beep loudly, making Jack jump back a small bit.

"What's happening?" Jake asked, rushing over to the side of the bed.

Nurses started to pile into the room, ordering Jack and Jake out. It took alot of shoving to get them out though.

When they had gotten out, they looked in through the small window. The nurses had lowered Emily down and were doing CPR.

"We saw a load of commotion- oh my god," Lenn was first in the group. When she had gotten to the window and looked in her hands came to cover her mouth and tears rushed down her face.

Jack couldn't look away from the girl before him. There was about five nurses around Emily, one standing above her head pumping air into her, one doing CPR, one giving shocks to her body and the other two standing by.

Jack felt sick, his insides doing flips.

Then the nurses stepped back, relived expressions on their faces, but they didn't waste anytime jumping into action. They wheeled Emily out and were bringing her down the hall.

"Where are you taking her?" Jake asked, attempting to follow after them.

A nurse stopped him though. "It looks like there was another bleed so we have to take her back in,"

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