The Apologies

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After school was over, Rose walked towards the corner of the street and stood there standing in the shade waiting for her mom. She put on her earphones and began hearing piano instrumentals. They usually calmed her down and were just peaceful to hear. She watched as birds sat on branches of trees in front of her and smiled as they chirped and flapped their wings. There was a small breeze which made the leaves sway side to side and make it look as if the trees were dancing. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Greg walking towards her. She lifted her hoodie over her head and looked down. Greg stopped in front of her and tried talking to Rose. Since she was hearing music, she couldn't make out most of what Greg said, but understood the parts where he decided to cut things off with her. " I'm sorry Rose, I'm sincerely sorry that I have to end things here, when they're could've been much more. But the fact remains, you don't trust me and how can we be together when you don't trust me? I'm sorry, see you around" Greg put his hands in his pockets of his jeans and and turned to walk away. He paused, but shook his head and continued to walk away. Rose felt tears begin to form in her eyes and fought the urge to cry. I mean I knew I screwed things up, but he didn't give me a chance to apologize. He...he completely gave up on us. He gave up Rose sniffed and used the sleeve of her sweater to wipe the tears from her eyes. *BEEP BEEP* It was Rose's mom. She arrived in a dark blue car that was able to fit 5 people. It was in fairly good condition and was close to the ground. Rose's mother had long brown hair and caring brown eyes. "Hi sweetie!" Rose smiled and walked towards the car. "Hey mom" Rose's mom gave a sweet smile and began driving away. " I got a call today."
Rose looked out the window and stayed quiet. "What's happening at school hun? You're such a sweet child filled with joy and positivity. You love animals and love to make everyone smile. Why am I getting calls about you ditching class and screaming?" A tear slipped down Rose's cheek and she looked up at her mom. "I'm so sorry mom. Everything is so different now. Everyone is meaner and Derek turned out to be a bigger bully than Candice. He pretended to be my friend just so that he could find other ways to hurt me." Rose's mom frowned and gave Rose a quick pat on the knee. "Oh honey I'm so sorry. You're so innocent and sweet, you don't deserve to deal with this pain. Trust me, you'll find a way to deal with this and you will get through it. I'm here for you and I'll always love you." Rose nodded and cried a bit more before arriving to her home. She wiped her face and stepped out of the car. She waited for her mom to get out and walked towards their house together. Rose's mom opened the door and allowed Rose to enter first. "ROSE!!" Sarah ran towards Rose and gave her a huge hug. Sarah was Rose's younger sister, only 4 years old. She had light brown hair and hazel eyes as well. Rose was Sarah's second mother since they didn't have a father and Rose took care of Sarah daily. Rose gave Sarah a hug back and smiled. "Hi love!" Rose's mom locked the door and headed towards the kitchen to begin cooking. Rose threw her backpack to the side and sat on the couch. Sarah climbed on Rose and eventually fell asleep on her lap. It's my chance to finally start writing those apology letters. Mr. Hernandez was right, I need to become the stronger person. I'm going to write letters to Greg, Candice, and Dereck. Then I'm going to move on. If they want to talk to me again, ok, but if they don't, that's fine too. Rose lay Sarah aside and headed upstairs to her room. Her room was painted sky blue and had a wall filled with quotes and phrases to stay positive. She sat at her desk and took out a paper and pen and began writing her heart out. I need to just get everything out, otherwise it will continue to eat me alive. *1 hour later*
"Rose! Food is ready!!" "Coming Mom!!" Rose dropped the pen and walked downstairs.

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