Wilted Rose

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                           After Rose finished laughing, she got slowly got up and took out her phone. She went to the camera app and switched the camera to see her neck. Although it was red, it wasn't going to leave a bruise. Rose rubbed her neck a few times since it still ached and frowned. Part of her wanted to go and find Greg, apologize to him and kiss him, but the other side of her just wanted to be alone and possibly commit suicide. She was tired of it all. She was hated by many people and made fun of on a daily basis. If it's not Candice, its other guys or girls who have heard rumors about Rose. Rose decided to go look for Greg. She desperately needed someone to talk to and going home was not an option. No one listens to her there so it would be a waste of time. She grabbed her backpack and slung it over her shoulder and began walking towards the building. "How am i going to tell Greg? I can't just randomly pop out of nowhere and apologize to him..Can i? Ughhh why is life so goddamn complicated?" She got to the building and pushed open the big heavy door. She sighed and took a step inside. She walked to the room where Greg's class should be and stood outside. She checked her phone, 3 minutes until they were going to be dismissed to their next class. She just stood outside the door and rehearsed to herself how she was going to begin talking to Greg. Riiing!!  The bell rang, and the doors swung open as all the teenagers were filing out. Rose stepped aside and as soon as she saw Greg, she smiled and touched his shoulder. Greg flinched and looked at Rose, then he sighed and began walking to his locker. Rose frowned and caught up to him. As he opened his locker, she stood next to him. "Hey..Greg..i want to say sorry for earlier. I hope you don't take it personally but i wasn't feeling at my best at the time." Rose looked down, but after a few seconds when Greg didn't reply, she looked up to see him looking in another direction. He slammed his locker shut and began walking to his next class. "Greg!!" Rose ran to him and pulled at his arm. "Didn't you hear me? I was talking to you!" Greg stopped walking and turned around. He looked at his arm and pulled to get rid of Rose's grip. He stopped and actually looked at Rose. "Rose- what happened to your neck?!" "Well it's a funny story.. Candice saw-" "oh sorry i asked." Greg cut her off and began walking away again. Rose was beginning to get frustrated. "GREG!" Greg turned around for one last time and just shrugged. "I'm not available", was all he said, before getting to the door of his class. He grabbed the handle and was about to open it when suddenly he heard Rose beginning to cry. "If you hate me, if i did something wrong and now you don't want to talk to me anymore, it's OK i get it.  You're not the first person to hate me, but please, can't we talk about it? It's better closure than just this..." Rose covered her mouth as waterfalls rolled down her face. Greg looked at Rose, looked down, then walked in his class without saying a thing. Rose gasped and stared at the door. She fell on her knees and let out all her tears. She screamed and cried. She was tired of letting everyone down. One of the adults ran to her and helped her up, then sent her to the counselor's office.

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