Could this be it?

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AN: The only characters I own in this book are Brooklyn, Katie, and Mr. Lighter. 

"The poor GUYS HEAD is spinning!" I sang loudly as I tied back my long curls in preparation for practicing dance.

Newsies had been a favorite show of mine for about a year now, discovering it while browsing spotify one day.

I sighed and examined my work in the mirror.

Deciding I was satisfied, I went down into the basement and laced up my tap shoes.

When I got really serious about tap, my parents had bought me a medium size, hardwood dancing square so I could practice tapping on my own.

It started out in my bedroom, till everyone got sick of hearing the sound above their heads, so they made me move it to the basement.

I plugged my phone into the portable speaker and King Of New York from Newsies started playing.

I smiled and waited for the cue, the boy's lines about "his face beamin" in the paper.

I'd never seen the show before, just religiously listened to the broadway soundtrack and dreamed about how I could one day try out to be Katherine.

It was my dream role.

As I tapped along to the music, I lost myself in my thoughts, going back to my first production.

I begged for about 6 months at the age of 10 to finally get singing lessons so when I got to middle school, I would actually have a chance to get a good part in the school musical.

My parents eventually gave in, and my dad called in a favor to one of his friends who was a professional singer to give me lessons a couple times a week.

The lessons really starting paying off when I made it to my first year of middle school, the play being "The Little Mermaid", a Disney movie I had grown up on.

I was cast as Flounder, which was a pretty big deal, for being 12 and never in a production before.

The song had long since ended, but I was still tapping my heart out; until a spotify ad interrupted my thoughts.

I glared at the speaker, but took the opportunity to grab some water.

I put my water bottle back down and slid down into a split to better stretch out my hips and torso.

I forced myself to stand back up and get back to work, tapping along to "Watch What Happens" sung by Katherine.

I stopped tapping for a second, caught my breath, and listened for where she was in the song.

"Am I insane? This is what I've been waiting for.

Well that, plus the screaming of ten angry editors.

A girl? It's a girl! How the hell? Is that even legal?"

I sang along with the rest of the song, unaware that my sister was recording me from the stairs leading down.

The song ended and I was grinning, having successfully belted Kara's insane high note at the end of the song.

"Brookie! That was AMAZING!" I heard Katie exclaim as she ran down the stairs from her hiding spot.

"Oh my God Kate, you scared me half to death!" I replied, slightly irritated.

She rolled her eyes but pressed on.

"Seriously, Brook, it was really incredible! You finally got the high note!" She said, surprisingly encouraging.

I offered my younger sister a smile and gave her a big hug.

"Thanks Katie, it means the world." I replied.

She nodded and pulled out her phone.

"I got it on video! Wanna see?" She held out her phone to me.

I narrowed my eyes and hit play.

As much as I hated to admit it, I agreed with Kate.

The video wasn't half bad.

"You have to let me put this online!" Kate exclaimed, her eyes wide.

Before I could say no, Katie was already up the stairs and up the other stairs, into her bedroom.

"KATIE WAIT!" I yelled as I sprinted up the stairs, but to no avail.

By the time I reached her room, she already had it uploaded to Youtube.

"Oh no.." I muttered as I stood behind her chair, watching over her shoulder.

It already had about 10 views, which was a bit surprising, since it was only up for about 15 minutes.

Katie turned to face me, a huge grin spread across her face.

"You're welcome, big sis, I just got you your best chance."

I rolled my eyes and threw my hands up, totally defeated.

Kate crinkled her nose, waving her hand in front of her face.

"Good thing the internet can only hear you, not smell you." She said holding her nose.

I grinned evilly, her taking immediate notice.

"DON'T YOU DARE!" She screamed as she ran out of the room.

I laughed for a solid 5 minutes, and helped myself to a seat at her desk, refreshing the page.

The video had gone up to about 20 views, with a couple of comments; some said things like "She is so talented! The next Katherine??" or "She got the high note!! You go girl!" While others said things like "Wow, girl has got some lungs!"

I refreshed the page one more time, and saw one new comment.

"Who is this girl? I would love to get in touch with her to get her to come audition for Katherine!"

I narrowed my eyes.

Audition for a new Katherine? What? I wondered to myself.

Why would they need a new one? They had Kara Lindsay! Unless...

I pulled up a new tab and frantically searched for some kind of a clue.

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