CHAPTER 1: I know he loves me

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Hey guys! This is my first story on wattpad and I am pretty excited!! It would mean a lot if you guys could give me some feedbacks. I'd love to read them :) :)
I swear this is not a typical story.
Thank youuu!!

Genevieve's POV:

I walked quickly scurrying my way past the way too big crowd of people, my rugged heavy breaths made it look, as if I had just come after running a marathon. The blazing hot sun burned my already sore back, this was the reason I hated Manhattan city! I wiped the sweat dripping off my forehead with the back of my hand as I took a glance at my watch 8:15 'late'

I sighed as I made my legs move faster, if that was even possible. I looked down to see what I actually was wearing, black cardigan and blue boot cut jeans seriously? I thought. No one dressed like this, but once again I don't care what I wore. Who would believe I was the wife of Jaxon Black? I smiled at the thought of my husband. I couldn't believe that good looking handsome was all mine! Now even more determined to get home quickly and be with him, I walked, more like ran a bit faster.

Finally, I spotted the beautiful white mansion, my house and ran towards it, a little too worried of being late. I pushed open the door, and there he stood. His hands in his pocket and his back propelled towards the wall, it had been 2 years since we got married, but still that guy managed to give huge dragons in my stomach whenever I saw him. His cocoa brown hair grown till his neck and roughly tousled onto his forehead, his broad shoulders just like an athlete's and he had this body which would take years into the gym to get. He was wearing an Armani suit, fully dressed and I already knew what this all was about. I lifted my face to see his two fully rounded lips set in a thin line, his deep dark eyes looking as if a thunder was storming behind them. I swallowed the lump which had formed in my throat

"Late, I see." He sneered at me

"Jaxon, I –"I stopped mid-sentence failing to say any further. I knew my husband would never be satisfied with my answer no matter what.

"Speak Genevieve!" I shivered at his blunt haziness, I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans thinking for an appropriate answer

"Jaxon I-"I jumped as I was interrupted with the way too loud ringtone of Jaxon's phone. He smirked at me before he took out his phone and kept it on his ear.

"Yes" he barked into the speaker and in a matter of seconds his face lit up. I wondered whoever was on the phone, which caused him to loosen up so immediately. He cautiously moved away towards the bedroom making sure I wasn't able to hear his conversation on the phone, it didn't surprise me, I was used to this cold shoulder he gave me. But I knew that deep inside, he did love me back. I loved him with all my might and I knew life couldn't be that unfair right? I knew he loved me too and deep inside he cared for me and whatever he was doing had some good in it only.

This is going to end soon, he loves me! I said to myself, more like convinced me. I heard him cut the phone and walk towards the front door.

I quickly went towards him and asked politely

"Aren't you hungry? I've made your favourite-"

"Shut up." He hissed at me as he continued walking towards the front door

"But where are you going? At least have dinner-"

"I. AM. GOING. OUT. AND. I. WONT. HAVE. DINNER. WITH. YOU!" He shouted at me.

"Going out at this time?" I glanced at the clock, 8:45. But I already knew his answer and what it was all about. He just glared at me and started walking out. I quickly followed him trying to catch up with him.

"Genevieve," he said through gritted teeth, "Go inside."


"Just go inside, now!" He shouted angrily at me.

"I love you" I said, taking a few steps backwards,

"Whatever, just shut up" I heard his apathetic tone before he shut the door in my face.

I just stood there staring at the mahogany door in front of me, tears swelled up in my eyes, hesitating to fall right away but I was stronger than this.

'This isn't the time to sit and cry Genevieve. You are strong and this is life, it happens.' I said to myself and wiped the tears away just before they fell. I turned around heading towards the kitchen, but just decided to go back and sleep. Without Jaxon there was no purpose of dinner.

I prepared my bed, took a shower and changed into my pyjamas before dumping myself on the bed

'One day he'll love me and say those three magical words too, which I die to listen from him.' and with that I drifted off into sleep. Not even realizing that my wish might come true one day.

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