CHAPTER 21: Love has always been a strange thing

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Hey Guys!!

This is the last chapter of my book, read the authors note in the end please.

Enjoy :)


Genevieve's POV:

'Finally' the devil sitting on my shoulder rubbed his hands in glee when he saw something break in those black orbs. It wasn't his heart obviously; Jaxon Black didn't own one...but something in those eyes today was causing me distress, a slight ache was spreading through my heart when he kept his eyes locked with mine.

Why wasn't I feeling the delight I always felt? Why didn't my mind roar with pleasure witnessing his pain today? I was certain the thoughts plaguing my mind since I left the hospital would leave me alone the moment I would cause Jaxon pain...

But it seemed like it was quite the opposite; the thoughts were still glued in my conscience, the dull ache had worsened and I couldn't stop staring at him!

'For the love of God Genevieve stop staring at him!' the devil screamed at me, 'pain, pain, pain, only cause him pain' it chanted.

Weakness wasn't a colour that suited Jaxon; I knew that well, but something about watching him today sitting on the bed; drenched in sweat; breathing heavily...felt different.

Something had changed, I could feel it in the silence etched between us, but it was beyond my grasp. Moreover the new Genevieve didn't care about Jaxon so she couldn't be bothered by it, right?

A few steps forward and I was inside the bedroom until a throat cleared behind me, shaking me from whatever trance I had fallen into

The green eyed guy, damn! I had almost forgotten about him.

'Focus Genevieve focus' I steadied myself and with a deep breath turned around with a dazzling smile on my face.

"Why are you standing over there? Come on in." I waved at him to come forward.

Hesitation was clearly imprinted onto his face when his uncertain eyes kept glancing at Jaxon.

"Oh don't mind him" I rolled my eyes at his reluctance "he can't even stand up; if you know what I mean." The only person cruel enough to laugh at this petty joke would be me, but the laugh that poured out of me was also slicing my heart in half.

It seemed as if I could feel the waves of torment radiating from my husband

'Pain, pain, pain, only cause him pain' the devil whispered those punishing words into my ear.

It rubbed its hands in excitement when he watched the pain in my eyes turn into a murderous gleam.

It cackled when he saw my heart turn into stone.

"Genevieve." That one word; that one name, but it called out to me with such emotion that my eyes closed on its own accord.

Jaxon's voice felt like broken shards of glass piercing my heart.

His raspy voice breaking at the end felt like it broke me into half.

I was so close to the edge of the cliff, I feared that one push would all it take me to fall over it...again.

Therefore like every person who fears the fall, I took a step back; and then two steps back; then three until it was safe to assume that I couldn't see the cliff anymore, until I presumed that I wouldn't be able to fall again; such great illusions I was conjuring up in my head that it masked the reality standing right beside my eyes.

It wasn't the fall I was afraid of, it was the fear of no one standing at the bottom, ready to catch me.

So yet again I masked my misery; my fears; my insecurities behind the only thing that I understood these days: hurting other people.

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