CHAPTER 15: God forbid i was almost at the verge of breaking anytime

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Genevieve's POV:

Four hours felt like an excruciatingly long time for someone to be glued in the same sitting position on a rusty metal chair, my head had been constantly pounding, every muscle in my body was sore to the point of being numb and every now and then my eyes would shut on its own accord; tired was an understatement I was exhausted. To be honest everything after the phone call passed away in a blur and from the fleeting memories that I could conjure, the doctors had informed me that Jaxon was severely wounded, although he faced multiple injuries throughout his bodies his spinal cord was the one they feared had experienced the most drastic damage.

Jaxon was currently in the ICU, the doctors had sedated him so that he remains unconscious throughout the night, they said his body needed time to recover, but in my opinion his mind was the one who needed time to heal.

I harshly rubbed the heels of my palm over my eyes to remove any traces of sleep and slowly dragged myself out of the chair, causing every muscle in my body to groan in protest, my legs trudged along the smooth white marble of the hospital corridor until I reached towards the coffee machine, the coffee here tasted like shit but it was the only thing that was keeping me from falling asleep on that rusty chair.

I glanced towards the giant clock that resided directly above the coffee machine, its giant arrows stating that it was two in the morning. The entire corridor near the ICU was deserted with a minimum of two lights flickering at both ends. What kind of hospital keeps their intensive care area deserted? For a moment I felt the quietness in the corridor quite suffocating, the only audible sounds were the ticking of the clock above my head and the loud pounding of my heart.

The sound of my heels tapping on the ground felt like an eerie sound that we usually hear in horror movies, just when the victim is jumped from behind by an ugly effing ghost? Yeah.

Silently I took my seat across the door where my husband was residing and drank my coffee in silence, it felt like it had been too long since I had addressed Jaxon as my husband again, the word husband suddenly felt foreign on my lips; to me he was now just Jaxon; Jaxon Edward Black a piece of shit!

The entire four hours I had questioned myself a hundred times as to why I was still sitting over here, I should have gone home or better yet I shouldn't have even come in the first place. Jaxon didn't bother to care then why should I? I still remembered that day when my parents had died and I had fallen terribly sick; I hadn't been able to recover from their loss and the one person I needed at that time the most was nowhere to be found, my mind drifted over that time where Jaxon had disappointed me yet again...


The eerie silence in the hospital room wouldn't allow me to sleep even a wink, it had been two days since mama papa had died, two days since I was in the hospital burning with a fever and two days since I had not seen Jaxon. The only people who graced me with their presence were Jaxon's parents and the nurses who would check on me a few times and chat with me a little bit, each time they would talk to me I would see pity in their eyes and I absolutely hated that they felt that way for me. I wasn't some kind of a loner; I had an amazing husband who I loved and he surely loved me, he was just extremely busy with his work thats why he couldn't visit, I assured myself that he would visit me tomorrow morning, I missed him and maybe-maybe he missed me too?


That memory was nothing more than a reminder of how much Jaxon hated me, it was better that it stayed locked up in my heart. I scoffed at myself for being that senseless naïve little girl at that time. God I was so stupid! He didn't visit on the third day not even on the fourth even when I begged his parents to ask him to come see me!

Then why are you here Genevieve? My conscience decided to yet again question me. I rubbed my face in frustration at not knowing the answer of that question that kept bugging me every second, I looked at my dishevel state in disgust where my hair felt greasy and stuck to the behind of my neck, the leopard print dress which I had hurriedly worn in Antonio's room now looked like a crumpled mess on my body, the only good thing about my messy state were the bright red stilettoes on my feet.

Thats enough! I have wasted four hours I wasn't going to waste a minute long for him with that I jerked myself out of the chair and decided to go back home, the moment I stood up my eyes landed on the white door with ICU written on it with bold letters, for a few minutes I simple stared at the door, I was hesitating to go I knew it but Just one look I promised myself and then I'll go home.

With that I slowly walked towards the door and entered, the room was lit with a dim light that directly shined above the hospital bed in which a man was lying who looked nothing like the mighty Jaxon Black I knew, cautiously I allowed myself to go a little closer towards the bed so I could have one last look at my husband.

He looked extremely pale lying there with an oxygen mask supporting his breathing and different tubes monitoring his state of condition; a thin white sheet covered his naked torso, one of his arm was bandaged in a sling and the other had an iv tube connected to it, a sob seemed to be etched inside my throat when I looked at him like this, I had never seen him so fragile and so broken. My hand seemed to have a mind of its own when it started to caress his cheek lightly; gently I brushed away the stray hair that hung on his forehead.

A ghost of a smile seemed to appear on my face by my action and for a moment I forgot that we were nothing more than two broken ends which could never meet, for a minute I forgot that the damage he had caused was beyond repair, I overlooked that he was with Simone or I hated him for breaking my trust, for a moment touching him felt like home... but then reality crashed in and I recoiled my hand like it had been burned, I shook my head in an attempt to rid myself from the feelings I was feeling for him.

I can't do this! I promised myself that I would not make this mistake again! I dont love him I hate him! This person ruined me and he deserves to be like this! my conciousness screamed at me.

"You can die for all I care!" I shouted at his sleeping self and stormed out of the room.

I denied myself to feel, I couldn't; not even for a second because if I did then I would break and god forbid I was almost at the verge of breaking anytime.

This seems like a very short chapter I know guys but It was just a filler about how Genevieve's emotions are in a state of confusion right now!!

I will try to upload a chapter every Sunday, no promises though ;)

Medical university is damn exhausting mayn! I am already struggling to find time to write

Anyways enjoy :)

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