CHAPTER 6: Reality was harsh and unforgiving

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Hey guys!!

So this is an extremely short chapter, I apologize for the delay I had been extremely busy. This chapter is more like the filler of how life has changed for Jaxon and Genevieve.

This isn't much but the next chapter would be loads more interesting, waiting for Jaxon to arrive :D


I'd really like if some of you would comment and let me know if you like it so far.


Genevieves POV:


Once in your lifetime there comes a time when things prove to be difficult; when your past comes back to haunt you in the present. There comes a moment where you have to decide between what is right and what is easy, and in these times there is a chance when you might choose darkness over light; somehow some people survive this urge not because they are born to do good in this world, but because love surrounds them in these moments; love that brings them back from the edge of the fall.

My mother used to tell me that when times prove to be difficult my dear Genevieve see this as an opportunity to surround yourself with more love.

Maybe these words only proved to be good inside a novel; far away from reality, where princesses got rescued by knights in shining armour, or where 'happily ever after' existed.

Because reality was harsh and unforgiving; and my reality was turning into a nightmare.

It had been a week since that night at the mansion; things had changed drastically, and once considered the most respectable 'black couple' of the society had turned into a laughing stock for the media.

Jaxon proved to get more distant as the week dragged along, he made a routine to arrive late and heavily drunk. I thought challenging times would bring us closer, but his animosity for me seemed to grow more every single day.

We had rented this tiny apartment in the outskirts of town, far away from prying eyes. The black mansion was no longer ours to own, Jaxon had made sure of that.

The days kept dragging on but it seemed like time had stood still in here, every day seemed worse than the previous one, my patience was running on thin ice and so was Jaxon's.

I couldn't help but replay that conversation we had a week earlier, when for just a second I had let myself believe that there was more to Jax than this revulsion and rage which he stored for me, I had seen a broken man, alone and fighting his own battles and for a moment I considered burning myself to allow him comfort, but as kind as people thought I was, deep inside I was selfish; selfish for my husband's love and care.

Antonio de luca, a man of many talents Jaxon had said and owning what didn't belong to him, wrecking people's life was his special talent.

'There was more to him than what met the eyes,' Jaxon had said. After all he had stolen our home, Jax's company his bank accounts...everything except me. Shivers ran deep inside me, when that thought crossed my mind.

"Calm down Genevieve." I prepped myself "Jaxon would never allow anything like that to happen to you."

I knew Jaxon detested me but he would never allow such vindictiveness, he was my husband and deep inside he loved me too. I assured that to myself and smiled slightly.

The giant kitchen clock, a bit old fashioned for my taste rung twelve times, indicating it was midnight and Jaxon would arrive any moment.

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