CHAPTER 16: Now you want me?

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The 16th chapter is up at last! Thank goodness.

I know I ramble about university work all the time but I swear it has sucked out all my social time like a leech. Not that I am complaining I enjoy it just as much as I enjoy writing for you guys J

Don't forget to vote, comment and share this book please.

An extra-long chapter for not updating in a long time


Genevieve's POV:

I popped a single eye open and groaned in pain; my head was pounding like someone was bashing my head with a giant hammer, the first thing I noticed with sleep still clouding my eyes was a giant window, with bright blue drapes drawn back from it; the sun mercilessly burning my eyes, now wait a minute...since when do I have such ugly drapes drawn over my window? Something felt different I realized, the bed underneath me didn't feel hard and stiff like I had finally gotten habitual to but rather soft and silky, it almost felt like I was back in the black mansion. Which reminded me...I didn't go home last night, did I? To be honest last night's events were still a bit fuzzy in my mind. Dazedly I tried pulling myself out of bed but a giant arm latched on my waist was making it difficult, an arm!? What the hell was going on? I kept struggling for a minute or two but when I noticed that it was useless I tried turning my head behind which successfully gave me a glimpse of something...or I'd rather say someone and screamed bloody murder.

A completely naked man was sprawled behind me on his stomach with his arm firmly grabbing my waist, I finally saw a thin sheet covering my body which made me realize that I was naked too...did we...? No No, I couldn't possibly forget that we had sex last night right? I mean I had been drinking a little bit, but I couldn't be that drunk right? As I was too preoccupied with my thoughts, I forgot that my screaming match had woken the man up until he lazily tried to pull me on top of him which jolted me back to reality.

I angrily pulled myself away from him and dragged myself out of bed making sure to cover my entire body with the sheet.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" I snapped at him

"Hugging you darling?" confusion laced his voice.

I narrowed my eyes at his words which made him all the more confused.

"Did I do something wrong sweet heart?" he questioned, to be fair the man was quite handsome, with dark brown hair tousled on his head in a mess and chocolaty brown eyes which were frowning at me at the moment, he seemed to be easy on the build too, with a lean and slightly muscular body although nothing quite compared to Jaxon though, whoa hold on... what the heck was I thinking.

"Who the hell are you?" I questioned him harshly

"Don't you remember darling? We met at the bar yesterday night?" his voice although soft and alluring was heavily lined with a British accent.

"So?" I raised my arms up in annoyance.

"So I just- you know- since we-" I noticed a dusky pink colour covering his cheeks at the embarrassment that I was causing him with my indifferent attitude.

"We had sex, yes so?" I raised my eyebrow in a questioning manner causing him to turn red entirely; honestly making him uncomfortable was proving to be too much fun, so I decided to aggravate him up furthermore, Call me a bitch or whatever but now I liked having the upper hand.

"So you thought that since we...had sex, you and I are something huh?" he raised his eyes from the ground slightly when he noticed my change of tone which had suddenly turned seductive.

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