CHAPTER 11: I am Genevieve Jaxon Black

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It feels sooooooooooooo long since I posted a new chapter and I know in every chapter I keep on apologizing for EXTREMELY late updates and you guys are sick of me apologizing.

But I have been so busy this past month, concentrating on university stuff and all that complicated mess, besides that my life had been going a little bit downhill and I had lost the motivation to write for a while.

You know those days when you lose motivation to continue towards something you are too passionate about? Or just those days when you feel like giving up on everything and anything? Yeah that had been going on for a while for me and finally that phase passed and here I am with an extra-long long chapter.

Extremely sorry to keep you guys waiting for so damn long!!

By the way thoughts on the chapter, Do tell.

I love every one of my reader :D thank you for being here .

I loved writing this chapter ;) *ooh the drama*



Genevieve's POV:

The roar of the taxi engine and the wild beating of my heart were the only two things I concentrated upon, a tug of war of between my conscience and guilt kept flickering in my thoughts, although I tried to convince myself that this was necessary a tiny part of my heart kept screaming at me that this was wrong. I was spying on my husband and in so many ways this was wrong; but was it really?

Doubts had started plaguing my mind and why wouldn't they? Had I any reason or heck even a single good memory of Jaxon and me being happy together? For once I wanted to open my eyes and stare at my reality, I had been hiding behind fake fantasies and irrelevant day dreams for so long. But was it really wrong to wish that this was all a night mare? That somewhere along the lines Jax did care for me? Some would call me an imbecile for still grasping onto hope but the burning question on the tip of my tongue is that why would we want to live if we seize to hope? The only thing that's in my grasp is hope because the future is unknown and if I, even for a second stop hoping than wouldn't reality crumble and suffocate me?

Questions after questions kept piling inside my head, the isolation in the taxi was making the inevitable happen, and it was time to finally make a decision. After what it felt like hours had passed the taxi finally made a screeching halt beside the giant glass doors of the palm hotel, and with shaky legs, dishevelled hair, grubby clothes and determination set in my eyes I finally started walking towards the doors; of course after paying the taxi driver obviously which I had forgotten in my rush and he had to yell after me.

Ten steps until the truth...9 steps...8 steps; yes I was counting, I was shaking with paranoia and something had to distract me before I made a fool of myself and caused a scene, the guard beside the doors gave me a dirty look after analysing me and suddenly I felt extremely conscious about the state I had arrived in here, overly large sweatshirt and sweatpants weren't the best of an attire for a hotel like this I guess?

I finally released a nervous breath when the guard gestured me to pass, and with a slight reassuring smile towards him that I was no thief I entered the double doors.

It felt like I had strangely entered a new world, the sight in front of me was breath taking and for a while with my mouth agape, forgetting why I was even here in the first place, I stared at the mesmerizing beauty. The giant lobby floor was completely covered with blood red marbles filled with intricate black designs if you look closely enough, the walls around were painted a plain beige colour which contrasted with the marble beautifully, I slightly raised my eyes to observe that the ceiling was painted golden and a giant chandelier hung from it; sparkling brightly with soft gold lights. A giant reception desk was placed in the middle and an extremely beautiful woman sat behind it, the lobby was surrounded with pale gold coloured couches and love seats all around, and that's where I saw Jaxon sitting, in a comfortable looking love seat...with a woman who looked like she was almost perched up on his lap.

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