CHAPTER 19: The hatred outweighed the love

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Hey guys!!!

Long time no see??

Gosh it's been what? 3 months since I uploaded a new chapter, I know it's been far too long but I am on a very tight schedule, with my examinations ending in the previous month and the beginning of a new semester it has been busy as a bee!!

Bare with me guys, you guys have waited this long maybe a little bit more?

And ohmygosh i am 3 less to 1k readers!!!! THANK YOU TO EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU WHO TOOK THEIR PRECIOUS TIME OUT TO READ THIS BOOK, I couldn't have done this without you guys.



And surprise surprise the next chapter will be the last one for this book!

I know, i know it's quite shocking, there is a lot to cover up before this book ends, maybe i'll surprise you guys ;)

Since i haven't updated since ages, i added a short recap of where the previous chapter ended.


The striking blue of her eyes crashed with the stormy black ones of mine; a striking contrast I must admit, it seemed like as if I was falling deeper into those blue orbs; getting lost.

Gently I grazed my fingers across her cheek; wishing that time would just stop ticking; that we could forever stay frozen in this beautiful moment together because at that instant I finally realized something; something that came at me like an unstoppable train; something that decided to steal my breath away; something I never thought I was even capable of experiencing because at that moment when I held my beautiful wife in my arms I realized that I...I was in love with her.


Genevieve's POV:

Life couldn't be more unpredictable than it already was could it? Have you ever experienced that feeling when you desire something so desperately that you wish for it with all your heart and then one day your wish is granted but nothing feels the same? No? Just me, well then,

This was the exact moment that my heart had yearned for, my soul had dreamed for and I had wished for; to be touched so tenderly, to be looked at so affectionately and to be valued so deeply. Nothing felt the same though, why you ask? Because my mind had been filled with so much animosity and resentment and evilness that in the end it shut that tiny voice in my heart, the voice that was pleading me to forget everything, the voice that was asking me to forgive him, the voice that wanted me to give my husband another chance.

And for a moment I wanted to give into that voice and just close my eyes and let him kiss me, I wanted his sturdy and secure hands to do more than just graze my face, because in those short-lived moments when I had decided to walk towards him my heart had fluttered again. I had felt like I was more than just alive in those few measly minutes, he was touching me...but I couldn't.

It wasn't just because I was afraid this would all blow up in my face, it was because I had fallen too deep, boundaries had been stretched too far and limits had been overloaded too fast. Even if I tried I couldn't bring back the old Genevieve who's live began and ended on Jaxon black.

You see when sometime life allows you a chance for redemption it's far too late.

'I was gone too far why not more' the ugliness in my mind roared.

The hatred outweighed the love.

You see when I was younger and my mom would read me fairy tales she would always tell me that these stories had a hidden message inside them, 'love would always win over hate.'

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