CHAPTER 13: The line between good and evil is almost permeable

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Jaxons POV:

My father one time explained to me that the line between evil and good was almost permeable, anyone could be induced to cross it when pressured by life; maybe at that time he saw the evilness brewing inside of me; although still at bay or maybe he realized how close I was to crossing that line, some days I think if only I would have listened to my father maybe things would have turned out better, but I guess being good isn't meant for everyone; certainly not for me at least.

I didn't feel calm or relaxed today; instead I was anxious and agitated, I had never seen Genevieve behave the way she did today; I had seen pure loathing burning in her eyes for me, the kind of hate from which nothing good ever comes out. for the first time in my life I was terrified of what the future held, the Genevieve I knew was innocent and naïve, the one who trusted and loved me, something felt different today; like I had broken the last bit of sanity she had left, like I had broken the only thing she cared more deeply; her trust.

Why was I feeling this way anyways? It all happened in a spur of a moment, Genevieve had just over reacted and besides I hadn't done anything wrong; there was no marital relation between me and her; we married because of a stupid deal. Simone didnt ruin our marriage; Genevieve ruined my life.

I should really make up to Simone after all this drama that went down, maybe a diamond necklace? That would be great, she'd love that.

I tapped on my phone a few times and waited for Antonio to pick up the call

"Antonio my man." I greeted happily when he picked up

"Whats up Jax?"

"I kind of need half of my money back, its urgent." I requested

"I am afraid I don't even have the quarter of it with me anymore."

"What do you mean by anymore, we had a deal Antonio and now you are just bluffing." Anger was evident in my tone

"If I were you I'd watch my tone." He laughed at me

"My money Antonio?"

"I am afraid your wife has all of it with her, if you need it so badly why don't you go ask her." With that he cut the call off, making me stand there filled with confusion.

How come Genevieve has all the money? And how dare he give it all to her! Let Genevieve come home. I'll show her what it means to mess around with me!


It had been three hours and Genevieve was still not back yet, my frustration was slowly turning into anger; if this was some childish game of hers of making me worry then boy she was going to pay bad. After waiting for an excruciating four hours, Genevieve did arrive, for a moment I was so shocked I couldn't even recognize her. It felt like I was seeing Genevieve for the very first time.

I had never noticed that her face had a slender heart shape with angular cheek bones and a pointed chin, her once doe like blue eyes were slit like today when her eyes landed on me, her thinly plucked eyebrows were shaped into a deceivingly perfect arch that followed the slight curve of her eye, her long nose hooked over her plump lips which were painted a blood red colour today, her once golden blonde hair, thick and glossy hanging straight down to her waist were now cut shoulder length. The features of Genevieve's face were merely a reflection of her entire body structure and everything from her skeletal arms to her paper thin waste screamed of unnatural skinniness, she started walking upstairs in long strides, her shoulders back and face held forward wearing bright red stilettoes which gave her an unnatural height and a short leopard print dress which left little to the imagination.

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