CHAPTER 18: I was in love with her

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Jaxon's POV:


"Are you sure no one is coming to take you home?" the only person whom I had talked with the entire six months I wasted on this bed questioned me.

"Not really Susanna." I sighed

Every morning at ten am Susanna; the nurse who was hired to take care of me would come inside my room, check my vitals; force feed me those horrible medicines; change my clothes and take me to the physiotherapist.

Susanna was in her late forties; lived with her two sons after the tragic death of her husband, once when I had been high on tranquilizers I had questioned her of why she seemed so cheerful all the time if her husband had died and the words she had said to me on that day stuck like glue in my mind.

'That's the thing about love my son, even death cannot end it, it only ends when you decide to give up.' At that moment those words had struck my heart like an arrow.

From that day onwards a simple commoner nurse with twinkling grey eyes and a laughing face had earned my respect.

"Isn't your wife coming?" she finally turned around to ask me. I knew that question was inevitable.

A heavy sigh left my lips when I thought about Genevieve; she had hardly bothered to visit me here and the times she visited which I could count on my fingers were...let's just say eventful

I grimaced at the thought of her last visit when things had turned towards the worst, at least for Susanna


"Susanna did Genevieve come?" I questioned the older woman when she came to check up on my vitals.

"This is the tenth time you have asked me Jaxon and the answer is still no." I could tell that the woman was getting irritated by my repeated question at the way she kept scowling at me; but I was a persistent man.

"Could you go check please? Maybe you missed her and she is sitting outside in the waiting area?" my tone was almost hopeful

"Missed her? Ha ha!" I can never miss that angelic face who has devil inside of her." "I am quite sure if she would have been here you'd have found out soon." She snootily replied back to me

I slightly smiled at her face which was turning a slight shade of red; probably thinking about the last time Genevieve had arrived, and boy that woman was protective of me.

"Come on Susanna it wasn't that bad." The moment I uttered those words I knew they were the wrong words to say; her face had almost turned two shades darker at my indifferent tone

"Wasn't that bad! Wasn't that bad! Are you serious?" "She came to visit you at three thirty in the morning; heavily drunk!" I observed how she shuddered at the mental image of the chaos my wife had created that night.

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