CHAPTER 5: There is nothing left anymore

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Jaxon's POV:

The exhilaration and adrenaline inside the room was as much addicting as a casino, this was what I loved about gambling, the thrill of the game could make you rub your hands in delight. This was what I called my sheer happiness or my sanity.

In my opinion three things could calm a man; a woman who keeps him happy, getting drunk or in my case gambling your wits out. People often termed gambling as a path to catastrophe, but what could be more catastrophic than my unhappy life, I laughed at the irony.

I relished gambling, it made me feel powerful and in control, today was no different. The key to my addiction is that I never lost; Jaxon Edward Black never lost a single game since the past two years.

I stretched my legs apart, comfortably easing my back on the couch and confidently gazed around the table, smirking at those who seemed slightly nervous observing me. The only person who dared to stare back without a flinch was sitting right across me. Antonio De Luca, he was a man people tried to avoid at all cost, messing with Antonio could only mean death.

He was slightly older than me with tanned olive skin and eyes the same colour as the ocean, he was a man of many hidden traits; but for me he was someone who changed my life. That day is forever imprinted in my head, June 21st 2015, the day where it all begun, the day of my marriage.


"I do." I forced those two words out my mouth, it felt like acid burning down my throat when I realized my entire life was about to change. I heard a sigh of relief from the blonde girl beside me who was covered in white, I had barely glanced at her besides digging my nails into her arms, this was the last time I was going to touch her.

"You may kiss the bride." I heard the priest announce in his nasally voice, making me want to bash his head against the giant pillar from where he was standing, but I could only show my rage by burying my nails deeper into that freak beside me.

The slight whimper from her mouth was like a balm across my wounded ego, with one last glance at the priest I finally turned towards Mrs Genevieve Black, the name itself felt like something foul inside my mouth.

I grabbed her small waist and leaned towards her, I could feel her breath hitch into her throat at our close proximity, she gawked at me as if I meant something beautiful to her. I dug my palms deeper into her waist and saw pain replacing that love shining in her eyes and smirked in satisfaction.

"Pain is the price we pay for love, my darling." I whispered in her ears, her eyes widened at my words and finally my lips touched hers.

She was too shocked to respond back, and just when she could comprehend what was happening, I pulled myself away from her, pleased with the look of pure heartache masking her innocent face.

The rest of the ceremony was a blur, I had to paste a smile on my face with an arm draped around my wife the entire evening, when in reality I wanted to scream out in frustration at all the people who praised me and congratulated me with sickly sweet smiles and hugs.

Inescapably the night I had dreaded the most arrived; my wedding night, my heart constricted in disgust when I thought about spending it with her but dejectedly and with a heavy heart I opened the car door for Genevieve and drove home.

At last we arrived at our new house; courtesy of my father, I had no intention to look around but by the look of pure admiration on Genevieve's face she was itching to explore.

"I am leaving." I abruptly announced, turning back towards the door.

"You can't just leave tonight." She answered back in that soft tone she had.

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