Authors Note to le Readers

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-----------------Author's Note----------------
Hai! This is my first story to write so I will try to do well! *fingers crossed to indicate that I'm lying* lol I'm just writing about one of my favorite ships of the anime, Fairy Tail. This story will be about the ship GaLe, or for those of you who don't know, Gajeel X Levy!

\>•</---- *so excited*----\>•</

~*^*~ *kinda a joker* ~*^*~

\>O</ *expect cheesy jokes* \>O</

I am excited about writing this so let's try to sit back, relax, and enjoy reading my first attempt ever at writing.

With that in mind, let the story of Levy's average life.... COMMENCE!


P.S. I won't be updating everyday... so yeah. I am writing it so please enjoy dis in da future! \>#</ <-- I don't even... what...?

Fairy Tail Middle School: A GaLe StoryWhere stories live. Discover now