Chapter 3: A New School

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Levy's POV:

We're finally here in Magnolia and the jet lag is horrible. I don't like falling asleep early and waking up early. Falling asleep at 5 o'clock and waking up at 3 am is not the greatest feeling. I don't really have anything to do at 3 am so I usually just reorganize my books. I like doing that.

---- Time Skip to First Day of School ----

My alarm clock went off at 6 am and I reluctantly got up.

"Good morning Levy" I muttered to myself and put on my glasses.

I did my usual morning routine; shower, blow dry my hair, brush it, brush my teeth, change into my uniform. I'm going to a private school called Fairy Tail Middle School so we have uniforms.

My uniform is a royal blue blazer over a white blouse, a royal blue tie that I tied into a bow, a navy blue and silver plaid short skirt, and white knee high socks. I realized that the skirt went down to my knees, even though they're supposed to be shorter, so I had to roll the top like 3 times. Since my wavy shoulder length blue hair gets in my face constantly, I looked through my headband box for a white or blue headband. I finally found a white one that was in the shape of a flat bow.

I already put all of my supplies into the chocolate brown bag the school gives you the night before, so I checked to see if everything was in place. "Books, notebooks, binders, pencils, pens, supply box, check" I said out loud. I've been talking to myself a lot lately.

I walked down the stairs and down into the kitchen. Nobody was in there because one, I'm an only child, and two, my parents work full time. I looked up at the clock and saw that I still had 20 minutes till the bus to school comes. I went to the pantry and got lucky charms cereal, my favorite, and milk from the fridge. It took me about 5 minutes to finish my bowl and I put the bowl into the dishwasher.

I still had 15 minutes so I decided to go ahead and put on my black sweater and new black loafers, and go to the bus stop. I lived very close to the bus stop so I walked out the door, yelled "itekimasu!" (I'm leaving) back into the empty house, and locked the door.

It was late summer so it was a tiny bit windy. I looked at my phone and saw that I still had 10 minutes left.

I looked to my left and I thought I heard the bus coming, but instead it was a black truck driving by. Inside that car I saw a woman in her late 40s probably, driving and a spiky black haired teenager with many ear piercings.

When they drove by in front of me, time seemed to slow down.

The teenager turned his head and glanced at me.

His mouth dropped open.

His red eyes opened wider and bigger than normal.

Eyes filled with... fear... shock...

The woman turned to look at what he was looking at.

Her face showed the exact same emotion.

Then she sped the car up and drove away.

I don't know what they saw in me, but what I do know is that it scared/shocked them.

The bus finally came and I climbed on. The bus driver took one look at me and said, "Aren't you in elementary school?" oblivious to the fact that I was wearing the school uniform.

I looked at his name tag and it said Macao Conbolt. I was annoyed but I put on a smile and said, "No Mr. Conbolt. I'm just short" And I walked down the aisle into an empty seat.

When the bus arrived at Fairy Tail Middle School, my mouth became an O. It was like a castle! The school looked like it was fit for a king, not a school, much less a middle school. It was white bricks, with a huge entrance with the school name, Fairy Tail Middle School, on a bronze plate over it. The roof was brick red tiles and a tower dome was at the too if the school with a bronze bell. It is a pretty grand school.

I got off the bus and could see everyone walking into the school. I followed them through the gate, through the massive front doors, and into the grand hall. There was a stage at the end of it with many tables in front of it.

A really small old man was on the stage in front of a white haired woman in a magenta dress and a man with orange hair.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail Middle School! My name is Makarov Dreyar, or just Gramps! I am the principal/master of this school so you will follow my rules! One last thing! THERE ARE NO RULES! GO CRAZY! THAT IS THE KIND OF SCHOOL I RUN!" said Gramps loudly.

I flinched. And I thought that this was a normal school.

So how was that? Pretty darn good if you ask me. Lol not. It is maybe longer than chapter 2, which made me happy cause this chapter took forever, I lost all inspiration. Well, now that I'm back from not updating, chapter 4 will be coming out on April 15 or 16. If it doesn't come out by then, you have every right to call me a bad writer and a procrastinator, which I am.

~le author, Kate

PS it's 5:39 pm on a monday. what am I doing with my life. I have homework.

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