Chapter 4: Like Twins

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Should I keep doing that thing where when I start anew chapter, I start off with with where I left off in the chapter before and a little before to explain their side of the story? I mean, it's kind of a pain in the side (literally) but I want to please and do whatever I can to make you guys happy. ok back to story.

Gajeel's POV:

I feel bad for mom. But she says she likes driving me to school every morning. I do tell her that I can walk, but mom insists. Says that it gives her something to do. I put my arm on the armrest and boringly glared at our surroundings. I'm still surprised that my mom doesn't say anything about my bad boy (ok I had to say it) attitude. As we drove by houses and buildings,

time seemed to slow down.

I turned my head and saw a girl who looked exactly like the unnamed girl I saw that terrible day.

My mouth dropped open.

My red eyes opened wider and bigger than normal.

My eyes were filled with... fear... shock...

Mom turned to look at what I was looking at.

Her face showed the exact same emotion.

Then she sped the car up and drove away.

"Did you see her?!" I nearly screamed at mom. I was hyperventilating. She flinched without taking her eyes off the road. "sorry" I said softer forgetting about how mom was delicate.

"It's not your fault" She smiled softly.

"That just scared me so bad. Do you think it was a ghost?"

"No... But she really does look like her."

"Yeah..." I was thinking hard. Was that girl related to her? Sisters? Cousins? No matter how hard I thought, I couldn't find an answer. But how was she there? A completely and exact same replica except a little more mature looking and maybe taller. Maybe it had been a ghost. Or maybe I was just seeing things. But that wouldn't explain why my mom saw too. It really bugged me.

But what even bugged me more was that she wore the female version of the uniform of my school, Fairy Tail Middle School. So I guess we'll be at the same school then. I'll have to keep an eye on her.

We finally arrived at school and I hopped out of the car. "Itekimasu mom, have a great day" I said.

"Have a great day too! Meet some new people!" She replied with enthusiasm. I haven't seen her this excited for something in a while. School won't be that exciting since it's the first day.

The school is still pretty big, I have to admit that I thought it would be way smaller. Everyone was walking into the school so I followed them through the gate, through the massive front doors, and into the grand hall. There was a stage at the end of it with many tables in front of it.

A really small old man was on the stage in front of a white haired woman in a magenta dress and a man with orange hair.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail Middle School! My name is Makarov Dreyar, or just Gramps! I am the principal/master of this school so you will follow my rules! One last thing! THERE ARE NO RULES! GO CRAZY! THAT IS THE KIND OF SCHOOL I RUN!" said Gramps loudly.

Everyone around me flinched, and I just went, "gihi". Soon after he said that, the bell rang, signaling us to our homeroom with 10 minutes to spare and find our class.

Everyone started splitting off into their groups, laughing as they to class and I just wandered off alone, since I had a pretty basic idea of where it is.

I must have been daydreaming and walking cause someone walked straight into me. Of all people, it was a bluenette nerd with a white bow headband and her nose in her book. I didn't see her face, all she did was murmur, "scuse' me", and started walking away. I was kinda pissed and not in a good mood, so I grabbed her shoulder, spun her around kind of roughly towards, me and said gruffly, "watch where you're goin-" I stopped when I saw her face.

It was her.

I must've looked pretty shocked because she looked at me wide eyed and cried out, "I'm sorry!" and quickly walked away. I was still standing there looking like an idiot when the bell rang signaling that we should be in class by now.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit..." I muttered as I shifted into dragon sprinting mode. I was late for class on the first day and I had already disappointed my mom. I didn't want to do that so I decided to try and do good today.

I finally found the advanced algebra classroom that was my homeroom. And yes, I am in 9th grade math in 7th grade. I'm full of surprises, aren't I? I ran through the doorway and halted. Everyone was looked at me and started whispering. "...held back?..." " scary..." "....looks stupid..." I could hear bits and pieces of their conversations.

"Mr. Redfox, did you finally find your way into class?" said Mr. Gildarts smirking. I instantly did not like him. I guess he's one of those kind of teachers.

"Yeah. I just got a little lost." I replied trying not to clench my teeth and fists.

"Well, since you finally decided to join us, the only spot open left for you is... Ms. McGarden, please raise your hand" Wait a sec, that's her! It's that girl! "Mr. Redfox, you will be sitting next to Ms. McGarden" She huffed in annoyance, loud enough for me to hear, but soft enough for Mr. Gildarts not to hear.

I walked over to her slowly as I could. Then I reached my destination. I was seated to her right. I sat down slowly, and muttered a low, "hey" to her. I zoned out for the rest of class.

This will be an interesting year.

So I'm really sorry about being a (insert bad word) for updating really really extremely late but I hate having such a good immune system. For example, it's really rare for me to get sick, so I pretty much have perfect attendance for the entire school year. The downside is that when I do get sick, I'm sick right now, I stay sick for a week or 2. So basically I've been stuck with a cold since tuesday. And I had a fever on Friday and saturday. But I still have a cold through all of this. I probably should have been updating, but I also recently got obsessed with clash of clans. agh I'm such a weirdo. Much love!<3

-le author, Kate

PS: I don't think I have ADHD but I might but the point is that I forget stuff a lot and if I don't catch mistake that you find, please comment and tell me so I can fix it.

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