Chapter 9: Friendship is Truly Forever

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Gajeel's POV:

I smiled back at Levy showing my straight white teeth. Hearing her say that we were "friends from day one" made me happy. Especially when she's the girl I like said that. Then it makes all the lot better.

There was a knock at the door, followed by Levy calling out, "Come in". It was nurse who had a  huge smile on her face. "Your mother just signed the release forms, so you can go home now!", the nurse said while grabbing a wheelchair and wheeling it over next to Levy's bed. The nurse looked at me, then at Levy, then at me again. "Young man, do you want to wheel your girlfirend to the car?'" the nurse said slightly smirking because of the deep blush going across levy and I's faces. 

"S-s-sure.", I stuttered out. The nurse helped Levy into the wheelchair and I gently pushed her down the hallway and into the lobby. Her mother was already there waiting for us. A smile grew on her face when she saw us.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the love bugs", Mrs. Mcgarden said teasingly.

"How many times do I have to say? We aren't together Mom!", Levy said embarrassed. Meanwhile I flinched a little when she said that. I was still behind her so she didn't see it but Mrs. Mcgarden must have noticed because she winked at me. Blushing, I looked away knowing now that she was aware of my possible feelings.

Wait what? I can't be "feeeeeling" things! I'm only 14! This is weird. I think I'll ignore this for now. Yeah. I'm going to do that.

"Okay! Let's get you into the car and home!", Mrs. McGarden said flourishing her arms out while saying that. I started wheeling her out the doors with Mrs. McGarden trailing behind, doing something with her phone.

"Um, don't you need help getting into the car..?", I asked unsure if she would want me to.

"No thanks I can do it myself", Levy said quickly. She got up from the wheelchair quickly and immediately started swaying. She started to fall and quickly but gently I steady her by putting my hands on her waist and shoulder. 

"Woah there, I think you need the help", I said smiling. Then I realized the awkward position we were in and I start helping her into the car. Mrs. McGarden got in on the other side and wrapping the SE-plug around her wrist.

"Well, thanks for the help Gajeel! I hope to see you in the future!", she said while Levy said, "Mom!".

Levy and I blush and I say, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow".

"Ditto. Bye!", Levy calls out through the car door window. And they drove away.

I stood there for a minute before I started getting a grin on my face. Which led to me chuckling. I shook my head and sighed as my tiny laugh attack died down.

"I can't believe that I like that girl.", I mutter as I start walking home in the opposite direction.

Sorry for the short chapter I am already working on the next few chapters! Plus I'm on spring break but my mom insists that I practice playing the violin which we should all know by now I hate doing. Welp, cheerio see y'all next chapter!   -The Kahte'

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