Chapter 6: Seperated Twins

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Levy's POV:

Soon enough lunch period came and everyone walked to the cafeteria. I walked into line, bought an apple, and went to go find a seat. I didn't have any plans to sit with anyone so I found an empty table and sat down, opened my book, and red it while munching on my apple. Jet came over looking over his shoulder at his grinning friends and also grinning too.

"Hey Levy!" He had this giant smile on his face.

"hi" I glanced up for a second, then lowered my gaze back to my book.

"So... uh... Levy? D- do- do you want to go out with me?" His confidence seemed to go down the drain and his smile had slipped off his face.

I weighed my options... he's cute but I don't want to get close to him.

"Jet...", he looked up hopefully, "I'm going to have to say no". And then I finished my apple, got up, and walked away. It sounded like his idiotic friends were cheering. I heard them say, "Now we have a chance!" Wow, what great friends he has.

I actually got up to go to a computer in the library. Once I got to the library, I looked around to make sure no one was around. Then I hurriedly looked up the name "Elizabeth McGarden". I wanted to see one more time to see who accidentally killed her. I held my breath as I played the interview of the kid who did it...

And then I gasped. It was that guy who I rejected, Jet! I quickly closed the tab and logged off the computer. I ran out of the library to a bathroom to a stall and locked the stall door, sitting on the seat. There were so many thoughts going through my head, that I started crying.

Holy crap! The guy who talked to me, when he was cut off by Mr. Gildarts, how dare he mention Ellie's name! I guess he realized then and there that me and Ellie were identical twins. And probably thought that it was totally ok ask me out cause, y'know, "we're the same person". What a weirdo.

I was starting to not be able to catch my breath. I couldn't believe it. It was too much to take in. I staggered out of the bathroom, gasping, passing the Strauss sisters, realizing that the bell had rung for both middle schoolers and high schoolers. Mirajane, the older Strauss, gave me a concerned look, but I ignored it and tried to walk out like I was ok.

By the time I walked, or practically dragged myself to my locker, which wasn't far from the bathroom, I opened it and leaned against it, panting for breath.

I saw Jet walk over to me smirking and said, "Hey Levy". And oh, that pervert, he was looking straight at my, ahem, non-existent breasts.

"My eyes are on my face, not my chest", I said in a sickly sweet way, which was totally not like me.

He blushed and looked away saying, "You know, Ellie was way easier to ask out".

At that point, I snapped and punched him right in the nose. "That's payback for killing her, you bitch", I spat at him in a bullying way.

I somehow forgot that I was really sick and I could barely stand up, only the adrenaline was keeping me up. Then that burst of energy was gone. Woops.

My knees buckled and I was unconscious before I hit the ground.


Ohhhh it feels so GOOD to update! I had writers block and it completely SUCKED! It was really frustrating to not have any ideas just pop into my head like it used to. But now...


Ok lol don't be expecting me to update everyday, that spark is coming back to me little by little, so in the meantime,




check out my other story "Blue Hair Surprise"! I have a good feeling about it although no ones really read it... Haha...ha...ha... ..


Sorry for Gajeel not being in this chapter :P


I wonder if anyone reads these authors notes...


Please comment, vote, follow, whatever! And please give me some feedback! Like suggestions to what should happen next! I'll give you a shoutout and dedicate the chapter to you then! And this goes for all (haha only two so far) my stories present and future. Who inspired me to write the chappy, etc.


~Le Author, Kate

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