Chapter 7: Gajeel's Realization

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Gajeel's POV:

I didn't bother going to lunch today because I had too much on my mind. I decided to go to the library because it's a good place to think. When I dropped my stuff off at my locker, I remembered that my locker is actually on the other side of the school from the library. So I decided to take a sort of risky way of getting there because I wanted to have a lot of time there. So I ran to the library.

As I slowed down because I got to the entrance to the library, I noticed a head of blue hair walking fast around a corner to where the computers are. I was actually going to the computers too so I tip toed over there to see who it was. And then I stopped because it was Levy, frantically typing something into the computer. I guess she found what she was looking for because she gasped and exited out of that tab and ran kind of unstably out the door.

She didn't log out so I kinda went over to the same computer and looked through her history. And there was a link to a news site. I clicked on it and then came up a picture of Levy, but younger. I scrolled down the page, read the article and realized that it was on the freak accident that happened a while ago. The caption under the picture of a young Levy said, "Elizabeth McGraden a 11 year old girl has passed away due to protecting a fellow classmate." I was astonished. The girl who stepped in and got killed for her bravery, her name was Elizabeth. But how is she related to Levy? They look alike so are they twins? sisters? I think twins actually. I have to talk to her now. Like right now.

And so I went running out of the library looking in every spot in the school until the bell rang. I was just about to give up and go to class when I saw Levy walk out of the bathroom looking worse than when she was in the library. I followed Levy as she went to her locker and there she leaned against it, out of breath.

I saw Jet walk over to her smirking and say, "Hey Levy". He was looking at her chest. Have some respect, geez.

"My eyes are on my face, not my chest", Levy said in a really sarcastic tone which seemed really unlike her. But points for Levy on the comeback!

He blushed and looked away and you could hear him mumble, "You know, Ellie was way easier to ask out".

At that point, Levy snapped and punched him in the face with a lot of energy. That's my girl right there! Wait what did I just think about...? "That's payback for killing her, you bitch", oooooh burnnnnn. Does he need some ice with that BURN?!

I noticed Levy look worse like before and she swayed a little before her knees buckled and she blacked out. But before she hit the ground I ran over and caught her.

"Someone get the nurse!", I heard Mirajane say rather frantically. I held her tightly, bridal style and took off toward the nurses office. I got there and the nurse took one look at her before saying, "she needs to be at the hospital. I don't have enough supplies for her here". And the nurse whipped out her phone and called 911. Her face was really pale and she was sweating like it was too hot.

Soon enough an ambulance came roaring to the front of the school. They took her and told me, "You should come too. Weren't you the one who brought her over here?" I nodded my head and got in besides Levy who was laying down on the gurney. It's just like with Elizabeth all over again.

Ok for one, I cannot even express how bad I feel right now. I guess I didn't save the chapter correctly because the night before I was going to update this story I "saved" incorrectly I guess and the next day the entire chapter was gone. Only the firsts paragraph remained. It was so frustrating and I just sped typed about the last 80% of the chapter right now because i knew what to type. So I apologize deeply billions and billions of times.

And two, I've been getting sick a lot lately so I've just been laying in bed most of the past two weeks just not doing anything. And cross country practice started last week. And private lessons for the violin. So busy and sick at the same time. Like I was sniffling the entire 45 minutes of my lesson because if I didn't my nose would start dripping... highlight of my week😂 sorry guys. I'll be changing the cover in a few minutes so sit patiently for a few minutes.

And I am SO sorry to all the people who have been like, "I love this story, Please update soon!" Oh god the feels of not updating for you guys.😭 I'm sorry... Well anyway, I dedicate this chapter to...





Because they both had amazing pictures for the cover! THANK YOU BOTH!

Ok now I won't like update for some time now so byeee. PS school is starting soon so that's why.

Le Author, Kate~

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