Chapter 5: I've Seen You Before

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Levy's POV:

The bell rang, signaling us to our homeroom with 10 minutes to spare and find our class. I knew exactly where my Algebra class was, so I was in no hurry. I pulled out the latest book I was reading and started walking towards class.

I wasn't watching where I was walking and I ran into someone by accident. I didn't bother seeing who it was so I just murmured, "scuse' me", and kept walking. Suddenly, I felt a large hand grab my shoulder and spin me around to face them. It was that teenager in the car from this morning.

"Watch where you're goin-" he stopped when he looked at me. He got the same face as before; shocked and scared. I took one look at him wide eyes and then cried out, "I'm sorry!" and ran away. Ok. so maybe I didn't run, but being short makes it look like I was walking away quickly.

I got to class with some time to spare. So naturally I found my seat, and took out my book and continued reading. A guy walked up to me and said, "Hey".

"Hi" I replied. I looked up and saw some orange haired guy who looked like he was on the cross country or track team. I noticed that he was also blushing slightly.

"So... uh... what elementary school did you come from?" He looked like he was trying really hard to think of something to say.

"Fairy Tail Elementary School" saying it kind of in a tired manner.

I was actually thinking really hard. I know that I've seen a lot of the people in my class before... but I can't remember from where. Besides, I didn't have any friends in this class. Or any friends at all for that matter.

"Woah! So did i! What's your name? Mines Sarusuke but everyone calls me Jet" His confidence level seemed to rise.

"My names Levy McGarden" I replied mentally crossing my fingers that he won't say her name.

"So does that mean you're twins or something? You and Ell-" he was cut short by Mr. Gildarts, the teacher, yelling at us to get to our seats.

"Hope to talk to you again!" he called over his shoulder to me as he walked back to his seat. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. Thank Mavis he didn't say it.

Just as Mr. Gildarts was starting to speak, someone walked, nevermind walking, ran into the classroom. Everyone including me looked at him. And started whispering. "...held back?..." " scary..." "....looks stupid..." I could hear bits and pieces of their conversations that I wasn't part of.

"Mr. Redfox, did you finally find your way into class?" said Mr. Gildarts smirking. He definitely isn't going to be one of my favorite teachers.

"Yeah. I just got a little lost." He replied looking as if he was trying not to snap and break Mr. Gildarts arm.

"Well, since you finally decided to join us, the only spot open left for you is... Ms. McGarden, please raise your hand" Wait a sec, why me! it's that teen though! "Mr. Redfox, you will be sitting next to Ms. McGarden" I huffed in annoyance not wanting to sit next to him, loud enough for me to hear, but soft enough for Mr. Gildarts not to hear.

Mr. Redfox walked over to me as slowly as he could. He was seated to my right. He sat down slowly, and muttered a low, "hey" to me. I ignored him thinking about him. I was about to say something to him but he already zoned out for the rest of class.

I still don't know what his first name is. But before I knew it, it was the end of class. I got all my stuff together and stood up to go to my next class, which was English class. But before I could go,

"Um... hi. My name's Gajeel Redfox" he said nervously. "Wa- what's yours?"

"Levy McGarden" I replied looking at him from head-to-toe. He looked like he had no reason to be nervous at anything, much less a fellow 7th grader.

"Is your next period English?"

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Cause then we could go together" he smiled slightly and chuckled. I don't know why but I blushed a little bit.

"Well, ok then" I replied a little annoyed. I was pretty surprised. I could have sworn that Jet guy had a thing for me. Wait, why am I thinking like this??? I don't like to have crushes or think about boys. They're a real pain the neck. Literally. Like one time one sneaked up on me and poked me in the neck really hard to get my attention. Then asked me out. I mean, who does that?

We walked out of Algebra together and immediately, people started whispering. I could hear them.

"Genius Levy with... troublemaker Gajeel... "

"Are they... couple?..." When I heard this, I whipped my head into the general direction of the speaker. I finally spotted a Blondie walking with a pink haired guy looking like they were the best friends ever.

I stopped. Gajeel stopped. hmm. He's definitely observant. Or maybe just to me. whatever.

"Why'd ya stop?" Gajeel asked me in a questioning voice.

"I thought I heard something" I replied bluntly. Why am being so weird with him?

Oh whatever.

Gajeel's POV:

What's wrong with me? I'm feeling an emotion I've never felt before. I feel so... Odd when I'm by Levy right now. I don't think I've felt this before. Wonder what it is.

Well... I feel like this was a long chapterness. And since this is a GaLe fanfic, I absolutely promise that by the end of the next chapter that something will happen! I mean, it will probably be unexpected, but it's to spice up the story. I honestly think that it would be boring if i just went with like, Gajeel being like, Levy I- I- I think I love you! I'm going to do something like that but different. It'll happen. Soooooooooonnnn...

~le author, Kate

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