Chapter 13: Ayden

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What is wrong with me?! I scream in my mind. I felt so bad for Greyson and I wanted to kick that Nathen kid's ass. I hated Nathen instantly, knowing that he hurt Grey. I stopped for a second to proccess all the information.

I didn't want to have her talk about any other bad thing that might have happened to this kind person sitting in front of me. "Favorite color?" I asked her

"Yellow." She answered giving me a beautiful smile. Wait...what? I mentally shook my head. Something was wrong with me.

"Favorite food?"

"Pasta." she says, fidgiting with the end of her shirt.

"Favorite Ani-" I was cut off by Mrs. Angala's booming voice.

"Alright class! We are going to be having a fire drill in about thirty seconds and I wanted to tell you so you wouldn't be alarmed by the alarm. Can everybody get into alphbetical order. Quickly now, please." I got out of my seat watching as everybody got up also. I stole a glance at Greyson saw worry in her eyes.

"Hey. Grey. What's wrong?" I asked put my hand on her arm lightly. The touch sent tingles in my fingers.

"My...uhhhhhhh my...." She mumbled walking towards her backpack. She pulled something out of the black bag. It fit perfectly in her palm, but I didn't get to see what it was She came back over to me and whispered into my ear "Is the fire real or..."

 I chuckeld and replied, "No it's just a drill, Grey, nothing to wory about." I was just about to ask her what was in her palm but then the alarm sounded and Grey and I weren't even in the line so we jogged up to our spots, Me knowing exacly where to go, but Grey, still struggiling to learn all of our last names, was helped in the line by James.

And of corse, god hated me and Greyson was placed in front of James. It was clearly visible that James liked Grey, but I guess much to James dismay, Grey didn't realize it so James was slowly but gradually being placed in the friend-zone. Poor guy. Not so poor for me though. 


When I get in line I see that Jamie is the girl standing in front of me. I forgot and groan at the mis fotune I had. Jamie was a perky, annoying, overly happy at the wrong times and wrong places, and down right creepy. And I am being modest here. She also kinda had a thing for me...

When we walked outside and were standing on the hill I looked farthar in front of me and  to see Greyson open her palm to James. I couldn't see what was in her hand and sighed. When I'm back into my scilent postion, Jamie turnes around.  

"Hey! How are you?!" she says this with so much clear happiness, that it is extremely obvious. I face palm myself and sigh again. Today was just not my day. 

"Fine. Thanks." I say flatly but that doesn't stop Jamie from continuing her conversation.

"OMG! Did you already meet Greyson?" she asks but doesn't let me answer the obvious, "She is kinda rude. I was talking to her and I brang up a boy named Nathan, this guy I know from church, and she walked away right in the middle of me trying to tell her something!" That's Jamie, overly over dramtic over something that didn't really matter.

I sighed once more. "Maybe don't bring that up around her again." I say trying not to show the anger of her saying Greyson was rude. I clenched my fists, remembering the kid who bullied Greyson. For Grey to just stop a conversation just due to a guy with Nathans name, it must have met that the bullying was worse than I thought. 

I looked around Jamie's body at Greyson and saw that she had turned around and was now talking to Ingrid. My body relaxed a little knowing that James had stopped talking to Grey.

But seriously...what was wrong with me?

James POV

As Chloe talked to Rachel, her best friend, I sat and watched all the groups but then my eyes landed on Greyson and I smiled instantly. I gazed at her beautiful, long hair cascaded down Joey's chair.

I saw that she was speaking, so I moved a little closer to try and hear in, "The guys never really bullied me besides this guy, Nathan.." My eyes widened. I looked at the ground. Greyson was bullied?

I shook my head and then looked up again due to the loud sound that was Mrs. Angala's voice. She said something about a fire drill and then everybody got up and walked to the door forming a line in alphabetical order.

I knew the list by heart and I had almost forgotten that Grey had really never had a fire drill at this school. I glanced over at Greyson and Ayden standing there and Grey said something to Ayden. Ayden laughed then replied. There was jealousy itching in my veins but I didn't let it show, I couldn't. 

They walked over to the line once the alarm sounded and Ayden went to his assigned spot in line and Greyson stood there with something in her hand. I reveiwed the names and realized that Greyson was supposed to be in front of me. I got out of line for a second and grabed her hand that wasn't holding the object and pulled her in front of me.

She looked behind her shoulder and smiled, "Thank you." she sounded breathless.

We walked outside and went in the grass on the small bump of a hill a few dozen yards away from the school and waited.

"Hey Greyson." I say and lean in a little so she is the only one who hears my whisper.

"Hey James." she says rather plainly. I look at her and worry is plastered all over her face.  

"Are you alright?" I ask

"Ummm...not really." she says over her shoulder.

"It's just a drill."

"That's what Ayden said!" She said it loud enough to make a couple of heads turn to us and then go back to their own conversations. "Sorry. I just don't like fire.. Bad experiences." Greyson squezzes her palm tighter around the object in her hand.

"What's in your palm?" I ask curiously. She turns around and peels her fingers off of the object.

It's a little silver turtle with a green back. I give her a crooked smile and look into her eyes. The grey eyes peirce my own and it makes me smile a little wider. I see a hand tap Greysons shoulder and she turns around, closing her hand around the turtle once more. 

I look to see who I was. Ingrid. Ingrid was nice and I guess Greyson and her had become good friends considering, they were at the same table group every week. I turned to look at Nick who was standing behind me. He was turned around playing sticks with the other Aidan.

I then just faced forward, admiring Greyson like I did in class.


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