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Gerard was pushed into the room, the metal door slamming shut behind him. He scrambled to his feet, looking around himself.

"Aren't you a pretty little thing? Y'know, if I weren't all chained up, I'd have you in an instant." A soft, husky voice purred behind him. It made the hair on his neck stand up.

He spun around to face the person who had spoken to him, maybe to rough them up a bit, but that's all.

He stopped, his eyes widening at the sight before him. Same tattoos. Same pouty lips that would make his stomach twist in the most inappropriate of ways. Same hands. Same body.


Some things were different about him. Different clothes. Instead of wearing the white jacket and jeans he had on when they met again, he wore a black suit... No, that was a leather jacket. He had completely black-as-tar eyes instead of his beautiful hazel ones. He sat, bound at the wrists and the ankles, tied up from the waist to the neck in chains.

He watched Gerard with his unblinking black eyes, and a small smirk on his face that put him on edge. Gerard balled his fists, trying to ease his trembling. It was impossible to deny that he was scared.

Frank could never do that.

Gerard paled, taking a step back. He turned, banging on the door. That wasn't Frank. That couldn't be Frank. Frankie wasn't like that. Frankie was shy and timid and got hurt and scared too easy. Frankie was like a puppy. Frankie was loyal and easily excitable. Frankie didn't say things like that.

"Awww, poor baby. Scared lil' boy, come here, would you?" That- that- thing- purred.

Gerard backed up, standing against the freezing metal door, his knees shaking. He stared at the thing with his old lover's face. He wanted out. He wanted to go back to Lindsey and forget about this. 

The thing laughed, "Adorable." It purred, grinning. It tilted its head back, "Is this really how you greet an old friend?"

And suddenly, Gerard could talk again, and though his voice was shaking, it was better than nothing. "Y- You aren't a- a f- friend... Y- You're a m- monster..." 

"Really, now?" It snarled, tar eyes darkening.

Gerard whimpered, shaking violently. He nodded silently.

"Oh, you know who I am. I know you know who I am. Say it. Say my name, baby." It giggled.

"N- No! You're... You're not Frank... You can't be Frank." Gerard stuttered.

"Oh? How can I not?"

Gerard didn't have an answer.  Oh, he felt so weak. All the things he wanted to say but couldn't... No, he wouldn't. He wouldn't say anything because he was a coward. He felt so small, and suddenly he felt like he had an idea of how Frank had felt that day.

The thing laughed, a full-blown, crazed, hysterical laughter. "See? See? You fucking know it's me, Geebear."

"F-Frank.... Frankie..." He whimpered softly, shaking heavily.

"Yes, Geebear? Tell me anything... In fact, tell me everything." Frank said, cackling gleefully.

"Frankie... Frankie, please... Please stop... Stop... Why are you... Doing this?" Gerard shook slightly, staring at "Frank".

"Doing what?" He smirked, "Hmm, baby? What am I doing?"

"Y- You're.... S- So angry... A- And dark..."

"Dark!" Frank's eyes widened. "Dark! I'm dark, now? So what? You became an angel, huh? You became a bright, feathery little bitch, did you? You're gonna save people who aren't worth saving, are you? You bitch, you think people are grateful that you exist? You think people are worth saving? Nothing in the world is worth saving. Nothing! That world is nothing but pain, misery, hatred, and torture! Just let it burn! Let it die, just let it die!" His voice got shrill at the end, his hands tightening on the arms of the chair. Gerard could see his knuckles turning white.

"P-Please, Frankie... You're s- scaring me..."

"That's the whole point!" He screamed, "Get out! Get out!"

And so Gerard flung open the metal door, bolting out and slamming it shut behind him, leaving his old lover chained up, panting and enraged.

It wasn't the last time they had met.




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