Gerard Way had gotten home that night, seemingly terrified. His wife had asked what had happened, and Gerard had refused, refused, to answer. He just went upstairs to their bedroom and cried. The next day, he had told Pete Wentz, one of Frank Iero's friends before he had supposedly passed. Him and Gerard agreed to go and try and bring Frank back to their side. It was a feat that had never been tried before, and speaking to demons was taboo.
They didn't know what a mistake it would be.
When Gerard and Pete had opened the door to Bert's home (Gerard had a key), they were not expecting him and Frank to be sitting there, sharing a beer, and laughing as if they were best fucking buds or whatever. They were not expecting Frank to brush his fingers against Bert's cheek so, so gently, and lean in slowly-
Gerard cleared his throat, and Frank leapt away, his eyes wide.
Then his face twisted into a sneer. "Well, well, well, look who it is." He stared at Gerard, then Pete. He snarled, "Oh."
Pete seemed to realize at the same time as Gerard that Frank was not Frank.
Frank was a monster.
"Get away from it, Bert. It's dangerous." Pete had said calmly, "It's trying to manipulate you. Get you onto it's side." It. The word hurt. He wasn't just some object. He still had emotions.
"It?" He ended up whispering, shaking his head. He pulled away. "I'm not just... You think I want to be here?" He was angry again. He was always angry, now.
Pete shrugged. "You demons are drawn towards things you want. You want your old life back, it seems."
"I want revenge."
"Revenge?" Pete raised an eyebrow. It was obvious he didn't care. He'd dealt with demons before.
Frank frowned, turning away. "Yes. I want revenge. I want everyone to feel the way I did when I saw him look at her like that. I want everyone to feel the way I did when I found them in bed together on my twenty-fifth birthday. Only natural you two got married, right? Man, I really ought to tell Lindsey, huh? Once a cheat, always a cheat."
At that there was silence, Gerard staring at Frank with this stupid shocked look on his face, like the stupid cunt didn't think Frank would find out. Well fuck him, fuck that, fuck everything.
Frank just took a deep breath after that, shaking his head to get rid of those damn thoughts that just were so unlike him... no, unlike how he used to be.
"All I'm saying is that you shouldn't have let me fall in love," Frank growled, black eyes gleaming, "If you weren't planning on staying."
Frank didn't know what hurt more, the way Bert and Gerard had wrestled him back downstairs kicking and screaming, or the way Pete rolled his eyes and shook his head, throwing him to the side like he never mattered.
Hell, maybe he didn't.
Maybe he never did.

Dichotomous Thinking
FanfictionTHIS HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED FOR THE TIME BEING!!! :^) I need 2 find the passion i had for this again. could be soon, could be later, could be never. TW: MENTIONS OF SUICIDE, DEATH (will add more when the story progresses) "Wouldn't trade you for th...