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Really, if he thought about it, Gerard could understand why Frank had felt so betrayed in the first place.

Unfortunately, Gerard's never been one for compassion and empathy... or thinking, for that matter. Standing in the midst of the chaos that had been created was probably the first time in his life he realized he needed to put himself in Frank's shoes. In doing that, he realized one thing... Two things, rather. First, that Frank was upset and he had a good reason to be so. Second, that this whole mess was inadvertently his fault.

Something else he realized was that, when he took a step back and really thought about it, they were treating Frank totally different than how they would treat, say, Bert for example.

Oh God, Bert. Bert hadn't done anything except for try and help Frank. Even though Gerard was right there, it was still hard to believe that Bert was dead. Poor Frank obviously had feelings for Bert. Only God knew how badly he was taking his death. It made him think about something he heard back on Earth when he was alive. It was the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Something Mikey had told him about back when Elena had died.

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. It was only a matter of time before the storm hit.


They were watching him.

Frank knew they were watching them. He could see the camera in the corner of that fucking room. He had no idea how long he was in there for. Hours? Days? Months? No one was talking to him. Not even the two guards at the door would talk to him. They just stood, silent and watching him with disgust. Well, fine, he'd show them, if he could get out of those fucking chains. He'd show them all, splatter the pristine white walls red with their blood.


He didn't know what it was about the dark that made him think like this. It was more like he was trained to do it. Still, they did kill Bert, didn't they? Why were they looking at him with disgust? They should be looking at their leader with disgust. At least Frank hadn't killed an innocent man. They all deserved to suffer. Frank couldn't believe he ever thought Pete was a good man.

The door swung open, and the two angels had left, being replaced by two more. None other than the one he loved and the one he still loved.



i'm sorry!!! i love yall please accept my apology!!! we hit 641 reads and a bunch of people been adding me to their reading lists (yall know who u r :) ) and i love yall so much thank u guys i appreciate that because without yall this thing would FLOP and it hasn't yet and i promise once school stops kicking my ass and making me wanna kill myself i'll write more!!! it's currently break right now so i'm writing more!!!

Anyways what's been happening with yalls school/work/whatever yall do??? i love u guys :))


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