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I was walking under the bright full moon at my school when I heard someone calling me.

"Ella." It was a whisper, but I heard it. I felt it. Whatever and whoever it was, I felt its breath.

I stopped walking and immediately turn my head to the side to see no one. There is no one here. Not at this hour. The question is what am I doing here?

I stared at the full moon above me. It was the only thing that keeps my surroundings bright. It was my only source of light in the middle of the night. I can see that no one is around yet I felt that someone's eyes are on me. I felt both the hostility and benevolence of those eyes in me. I averted my gaze from the moon as I heard a rustle of leaves behind me.


I heard it again. But this time, it sounded familiar. It sounded so much like Hunter. My eyes searched for the owner until it landed on a shadowy figure beside a tree. Even from a distance, I'm certain that it was Hunter. Beside him is a massive dog that looks strangely like a wolf. Then its eyes met mine.


I snapped my head to my left as I heard the familiar voice of my bestfriend, Skylar. Just like Hunter, I can only make out her shadowy figure. Though there is something different in her. She's glowing. There is this golden aura around her. The necklace she always has seemed to be the source of her glowing.


My head snapped back to face my north as I heard yet another whisper from a man. His voice sent shivers down my spine. That voice. I heard it too many times before that it left a mark in my head. I always hear it. Once a year. Everytime the clock strikes 12 at my birthday. It is the same voice that I thought was nothing.

I don't know who the owner of the voice is. But one thing is for sure. The man standing in front of me is the owner of that voice. He's 20 feet away and his back is facing the bright full moon above so I can't see his face.

And then...

Brrriiing! Brriiing! Brrriiing!

I groaned as I heard my alarm clock blaring from my nightstand.

Who the heck still uses physical alarm clocks? ME! Yes. I like my alarm clock that way so I could slap it to shut up. I couldn't possibly slap or even throw my phone, now right?

I got up from my bed, reluctantly, if I may add, and showered. I wrapped myself in a towel and stared at my reflection in the mirror as I towel dried my hair.

My thoughts went back to my dream last night. It was so out of the blue and mysterious at the same time.

The quiet night and the full moon made the atmosphere eerie, and even sinister. Not only that, but the things, or rather the people included are just straight out weird.

The darkness...

The Full Moon...

Hunter and the wolf beside him...

Skylar and the golden aura surrounding her...

And the strange man...

I went out of my thoughts as I noticed a figure outside my bathroom window. I gasped and turned around. The figure of a man was no longer there.

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