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The stars are slowly starting to disappear as the darkness that filled the night sky began to give its way to the dawn. Though it was still the dark and the sun was far from the rising, the moon has already made its silent exit. It was still early. The breeze still being too cool and the streets were empty.

It was earlier than this when I was jostled awake by the feeling of being watched. I had not thought of that when I woke up but when my peripheral vision spotted the open window, I knew it was that. I even thought that I saw movement just outside my window but it was gone the moment I blinked.

I looked at the clock at my bedside table. It was only a quarter before four.

I can still catch up on my sleep.

That was my last thought before the feeling of being watched returned the moment I closed my eyes.

I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before alternating between closing my eyes and looking at my open window. I noticed that it was there. The feeling only returns whenever I close my eyes for longer than three seconds.

I tried squishing my head with my pillow to block the feeling but it was only heightened. The hairs on my skin stood as I suddenly felt someone standing at the foot of my bed. I nearly screamed at the feeling only to find that nothing was there.

I tried to even my breathing and looked at the time. I sighed; it was only four.

I guess I won't be having any more sleep.

I decided to get up and walked over my open window to stare at the remaining stars in the sky.

The only people awake at this ungodly hour would be those who enjoys early morning jogs like our neighbor, Ari. I call them "the healthy ones." I am not really one of them but maybe it's not such a bad idea to do a little jog around the corner. Since I can't sleep and I have nothing better to do, I might as well do a little exercise.

I changed into something I consider a sports wear which consists of a pair of jogging pants that I had ever since I can't remember, running shoes and a t-shirt. I ties my hair up in a ponytail and I was good to go. I was careful not to make any noises when I went down and out the house because I really don't want to worry my parents more with my sudden post-nocturnal activity. I did a little stretching on our front porch before starting to jog on our street.

The route of my jog was simple: circle around our neighborhood.

Most people would think that jogging clears up a person's mind. It helps them to think clearly especially if they are at the right pace. The place to jog also helps them to relax if they are surrounded by nature.

And voila. Our neighborhood is the perfect haven for them. The place has lots of trees, shrubs and other plants that gives you that nature-ish feel. The cool breeze of the early morning helps as well. This set up is the perfect environment for those people who exercises a lot.

But like I said before, I am not really one of them. Instead of my mind being cleared, it got me even more thinking about my nightmares in the hospital and the fact that my parents were not talking to me about my grandmother's visit, making me think that she too was a dream.

Also, the feeling of being watched was still there and it seemed to have increased. I don't only felt eyes on me but I feel like someone is following me. Looking back, I saw that no one was there. The empty street is already a sign that I was the only person jogging around and that there is no need for me to feel this.

No one is around, Ella. Now, stop it!

You don't have to feel this way.

No one is watching you.

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