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"What if I had my reasons to stare at you?"

"The beauty that was your whole being..."

"The adorable blush that seemed to always grace your cheeks..."

We are close.

We will find you no matter where you go.

I know I am dreaming. I am probably sitting in a classroom with my chin placed on my palms on atop my desk. It's only a matter of time before someone notices that my head is up on some clouds, worse probability would be the teacher noticing my lack of attention in the class.


I jinxed it again.

"You should know the answers to my five consecutive questions if you don't want to stay after class."

I gulped as I stared the unfamiliar person that was in front. "I'll try."

"During the Salem Witch Trials," she started while I heard a gasp beside me. "You may notice that there seemed to have more women who were tried for witchcraft than men. Do you think that the gender or sexuality of a person has anything to do with this unequal ratio of men and women being accused of witchcraft?"

I was not expecting an easy question. Although, the hardest might be the last one.

"Yes," I answered simply, not going into details. The explanation for this one will be for the second question if she will ask.

She narrowed her eyes, seeing right through me and continued on her second question, that went according to my plan, with a simple "why?"

"If I am not mistaken, the Salem Witch Trials happened in the 17th century, right? So that means women are only viewed as means to procreate, do household chores and be dutiful wives to their husbands." Those words left a bitter taste in my mouth which was probably due to the fact that I am a woman and I think that there is more to a person than their gender, no matter what century they are.

"Point taken. But what does it have anything to do with being accused of witchcraft?"

"Anything less or more of those duties are suspicious and because women are seen as lower than men, they can easily be accused of such allegations and be tried or even executed with or without clear evidence."

"But there are also men who were tried during that time," she argued.

"Yes, but those men are either husbands, brothers, or relatives of the women who were accused," I said back.

"I see," she said, putting her forefinger on her chin as if considering something. "You said they are being accused of such allegations and will be tried with or without proof, what would be their reason to accuse those people of such things?"

I listed some of the reasons why those people, more specifically, women are accused of this.

"Women are either rich or too poor; Either they are too beautiful or too ugly; smarter or who has no qualms about raising her voice, opposing other people, and giving their opinions." I realized I was in a trance as if I am no longer in the classroom but in a court, defending them as I continued to speak. "Basically, these accusers are jealous of what they have. And if they do not have much, they condemn them as well. But everything boils down to jealousy."

Her eyes flashed at the last thing I said and found myself back at the classroom. I looked around for a moment before directing my attention back at her and for the first time, I realized that I have no idea who this person is or what class I am currently at.

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